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Installation Guide for plugin

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Installation Methods

There are two convenient ways to install the “Customize Add to Cart Button Text”

Method 1: Using the WordPress Plugin Directory

  • Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to the Plugins menu and select Add New.”
  • In the search bar, type “Customize Add to Cart Button Text for WooCommerce.”
  • Locate the plugin by WPFactory and clickInstall Now.”
  • Once installed, click Activate to start using the plugin.

Method 2: Manual Upload (PRO)

  • Purchase the plugin ZIP file from a trusted source (https://wpfactory.com/item/add-to-cart-button-labels-woocommerce/).
  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to the Plugins menu and select Add New then  from the Dashboard – WordPress plugin listed as Installed.” Click Activate upload the zip file.

Button Customization Made Easy

Once the plugin is up and running, you can easily customize your “Add to Cart” buttons.

Here’s what you can do

  • Change Text for All Products: Modify the default button text for all products in your store at once.
  • Individual Product Control: Personalize the button text for specific products, allowing for targeted messaging.
  • Category and Tag-Based Customization: Craft unique button text for products within specific categories or tags.
  • View-Specific Buttons: Distinguish between button text on single product pages and archive pages (like shop and category pages).
  • Product Type Magic: Tailor button text for different product types (simple, variable, etc.).
  • Conditional Control (Advanced): Get granular with button text based on conditions like free products, empty prices, or items already in the cart (perfect for upsells!).
  • User Role Customization (Advanced): Display specific button text for different user roles (wholesale customers, for example).


Customize Add to Cart Button Text for WooCommerce
