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Customizing the Free Shipping Progress Bar in WooCommerce

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Fine-Tuning the Free Shipping Progress Bar for WooCommerce

The “Free Shipping Amount Label & Progress Bar for WooCommerce” goes beyond just displaying text. It provides a customizable progress bar to visually represent how close customers are to achieving free shipping. This article explores the “Progress Bar Options” section and how to tailor it for your store’s design.

Progress Bar Activation

  • Enable progress bar: Activate this option to display the progress bar alongside the free shipping message.

Customizing the Look and Feel

  • Animation: Enable animation for a smoother transition of the progress bar as the cart total increases.
  • Background color: Choose the background color for the progress bar that complements your store’s theme.
  • Foreground color: Select the foreground color that clearly indicates progress towards free shipping (often a contrasting color to the background).
  • Height: Define the desired height of the progress bar for optimal visual impact within your store’s layout.

Placement and Compatibility

While not covered in this specific section, remember that you can control the placement of the progress bar using the “Cart Options,” “Mini Cart Options,” “Checkout Options,” and “Store Notice” sections of the plugin. This allows you to strategically position it for maximum visibility and impact.


By customizing the progress bar’s style, animation, and height, you can create a visually appealing and informative element that effectively incentivizes customers to add more items and reach the free shipping threshold. Remember to leverage the placement options to position the progress bar strategically within your store’s design for optimal results.

Additional Notes

  • The placeholder %progress_bar% is used within any content textarea in the aforementioned sections to display the progress bar dynamically.
  • Explore the other sections of the plugin to discover more customization options for a comprehensive free shipping messaging strategy.


Free Shipping Bar: Amount Left for Free Shipping for WooCommerce
