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  5. A Guide to Core Checkout Fields Options

A Guide to Core Checkout Fields Options

The checkout page plays a crucial role in your WooCommerce store’s conversion rate. The Checkout Field Editor and Customizer plugin empowers you to refine this experience by customizing the core WooCommerce checkout fields. This knowledge base article will guide you through the plugin’s “Core Checkout Fields Options” section to optimize your checkout process.

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Accessing the Settings

  • Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout Fields.

Understanding the Options

The plugin provides two subsections within the “Core Checkout Fields Options”: General Options and Force fields sort by priority.

General Options

  • Override Default Address Fields: This setting allows you to choose how the plugin handles the billing and shipping address fields.
  • Override with billing fields: This option utilizes the billing address fields for both billing and shipping addresses (unless overridden for shipping specifically).
  • Override with shipping fields: This option utilizes the shipping address fields for both billing and shipping addresses (unless overridden for billing specifically).
  • Do not override: This option keeps the default WooCommerce behavior of having separate billing and shipping address fields.
  • Override Country Locale Fields: Similar to address fields, this setting allows you to control how country-specific locale fields are handled.
  • Override with billing fields: Utilizes country data from billing address fields.
  • Override with shipping fields: Utilizes country data from shipping address fields.
  • Do not override: Maintains the default WooCommerce behavior for country locale fields.

Force Fields Sort by Priority

  • Enable: This option enforces sorting checkout fields according to the priority assigned within WooCommerce. This can be helpful if you’re facing theme-related issues with the “Position (i.e. priority)” settings.

Resetting Settings

  • Reset section settings: Clicking this button restores all settings within the “Core Checkout Fields Options” section to their default values.

Saving Your Configuration

Once you’ve made your desired selections, click the Save changes button to apply your configuration.

By leveraging the Core Checkout Fields Options offered by the Checkout Field Editor and Customizer plugin, you can refine your WooCommerce checkout page, enhancing the user experience and potentially increasing your conversion rate.


Checkout Field Editor and Customizer for WooCommerce
