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Shortcodes Guide

Download Plugins and Themes from Dashboard – Shortcodes Guide

This plugin allows you to easily download installed plugins and themes as ZIP files directly from your WordPress dashboard, without needing FTP or cPanel access. The shortcodes are categorized into Free and Pro versions to help you understand their functionalities better.

Free Version Shortcodes

  1. [download_plugin_zip]
    • Description: This shortcode enables you to download a specific plugin as a ZIP file directly from the dashboard. It adds a “Download” button next to the plugin in the Installed Plugins list.
    • Parameters:
      • plugin_slug (required): The slug of the plugin you want to download.
    • Example Usage: [download_plugin_zip plugin_slug="woocommerce"]
    • Use Case: Use this shortcode to provide an easy download option for specific plugins directly from your WordPress admin panel.
  2. [download_theme_zip]
    • Description: This shortcode allows you to download a specific theme as a ZIP file from the dashboard. A “Download” button will appear next to the theme in the Appearance > Themes page.
    • Parameters:
      • theme_slug (required): The slug of the theme you wish to download.
    • Example Usage: [download_theme_zip theme_slug="twentytwentyone"]
    • Use Case: Enable theme downloads directly from the WordPress dashboard for backup or transfer purposes.
  3. [download_all_plugins_zip]
    • Description: Adds a button to download all installed plugins as a combined ZIP file. This is useful for creating backups or transferring all plugins to another site.
    • Parameters:
      • none (No parameters needed).
    • Example Usage: [download_all_plugins_zip]
    • Use Case: Provide an option to download all plugins at once, streamlining the backup process.
  4. [download_all_themes_zip]
    • Description: Allows you to download all installed themes as a single ZIP file. This shortcode is useful for theme backups or migration tasks.
    • Parameters:
      • none (No parameters needed).
    • Example Usage: [download_all_themes_zip]
    • Use Case: Download all themes in one click, simplifying the process of theme management and backup.

Pro Version Shortcodes

  1. [schedule_plugin_download]
    • Description: Schedules periodic downloads of a specific plugin to ensure you always have the latest version backed up. This shortcode is ideal for developers or site administrators who regularly update plugins.
    • Parameters:
      • plugin_slug (required): The slug of the plugin to schedule.
      • interval (required): The frequency of the download (e.g., daily, weekly).
    • Example Usage: [schedule_plugin_download plugin_slug="contact-form-7" interval="weekly"]
    • Use Case: Automate regular backups of specific plugins, ensuring you always have the most recent versions available.
  2. [schedule_theme_download]
    • Description: Schedules periodic downloads of a specific theme, useful for keeping theme versions up to date in backups.
    • Parameters:
      • theme_slug (required): The slug of the theme to schedule.
      • interval (required): The frequency of the download.
    • Example Usage: [schedule_theme_download theme_slug="twentytwentytwo" interval="monthly"]
    • Use Case: Automatically back up your themes on a set schedule, reducing the risk of losing customizations.
  3. [customize_download_link]
    • Description: Customizes the appearance of the download link for plugins or themes. You can change the text, color, and font-weight of the download links.
    • Parameters:
      • text (optional): The text to display on the download link.
      • color (optional): The color of the text.
      • font_weight (optional): The font weight (e.g., bold).
    • Example Usage: [customize_download_link text="Download Now" color="#FF0000" font_weight="bold"]
    • Use Case: Enhance the visibility and appeal of download links by customizing their appearance to match your site’s design.
  4. [append_datetime_to_zip]
    • Description: Adds the current date and time to the filename of the downloaded plugin or theme ZIP file. This is particularly useful for maintaining organized backups.
    • Parameters:
      • plugin_slug or theme_slug (required): The slug of the plugin or theme.
    • Example Usage: [append_datetime_to_zip plugin_slug="woocommerce"]
    • Use Case: Ensure that your backup files are clearly labeled with the date and time, making it easier to identify the most recent version.

These shortcodes provide powerful tools for managing and downloading plugins and themes directly from the WordPress dashboard. The Free version covers basic needs, while the Pro version offers advanced features such as scheduled downloads, link customization, and more. By leveraging these shortcodes, you can streamline your workflow, enhance site management, and ensure your plugins and themes are always up to date and backed up.