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Understanding Placeholders

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This article delves into the various email settings offered by the WooCommerce Email Verification plugin, empowering you to customize the communication flow throughout the account verification process.

Activation Email

  • Sent to users: Contains an activation link for account verification.
  • Additional placeholders: %verification_url%: Replaced with the unique verification link for each user.
  • Send as a separate email.
  • Enabled: Sends the activation email independently.
  • Disabled: Appends the activation content to the standard WooCommerce “Customer new account” email.
  • Email sending trigger: Choose when the activation email is sent.
  • On “user register”: Upon user registration.
  • On “WooCommerce created customer”: When a customer is created through WooCommerce.
  • Activation email delay: Optionally delay sending the activation email, potentially helpful if emails are reaching authenticated users. Requires “Send as a separate email” to be enabled

Email customization

  • Email subject: Define the subject line of the activation email.
  • Email content: Craft the message body of the activation email.
  • Email heading: Set the heading displayed within the email content.
  • Fine-tune placement (applicable only if disabled): Specify the exact location within the “Customer new account” email where the activation content should be inserted.
  • Requires adding specific code to the “Customer new account” email template.

Confirmation Email

  • Sent to users: Informs them of successful account verification.
  • Trigger options.
  • Send confirmation email to users who have just verified their accounts.
  • Send confirmation email to the user manually verified by admin.
  • Requires enabling “Verified column” and “Actions” options

Email customization

  • Email subject: Define the subject line of the confirmation email.
  • Email heading: Set the heading displayed within the email content.
  • Email content: Craft the message body of the confirmation email.
  • Delay: Optionally delay sending the confirmation email for a specified duration (hours or days).

Admin Email

  • Sent to admin: Notifies them upon user account verification.
  • Trigger options.
  • Send email to the admin when a user verifies his email.
  • Send admin email when a user has been manually verified by admin.
  • Requires enabling “Verified column” and “Actions” options.

Email customization

  • Recipient: Specify the email address where admin notifications should be sent.
  • Subject: Define the subject line of the admin email.
  • Heading: Set the heading displayed within the email content.
  • Content: Craft the message body of the admin email.

Accessing and Configuring Settings

  • Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Email Verification.
  • Click on the Emails” sub-tab.
  • Locate the desired email settings section (e.g., Activation Email).
  • Configure the options as per your requirements and customize the email content using the available placeholders.
  • Click Save changes” to apply your modifications.


Email Verification for WooCommerce
