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Frontend & Admin Options

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Frontend Options

This section allows you to configure how purchase limit information and messages are displayed to users on the frontend of your store.

Message Placeholders

The plugin provides various message placeholders you can use to customize notifications

  • %limit%: Total purchase limit for the product/term/user.
  • %bought%: Number of items already purchased by the user.
  • %remaining%: Remaining quantity the user can purchase.
  • (and several more related to cart, adding items, product details, and payment methods)

Frontend Validation & Messages

  • Validate on add to cart: Enable this option to check limits immediately when a user adds an item to their cart.
  • Cart notice: Control the display and format of cart notifications.
  • Enable: Choose to display notifications or not.
  • Notice type: Select the type of message (notice, error, or success).
  • Multiple notices: Decide whether to display individual messages for each product exceeding limits.
  • Block checkout page: Prevent users from reaching checkout if their overall limits are exceeded. They will be redirected to the cart page.
  • Product limit message: Add information about the purchase limit directly to the product page.
  • Enable: Choose where to display the message (product summary or description).
  • Message content: Define the message using placeholders and conditional logic (e.g., display only if no items remain).
  • Variations: Optionally display the limit message for product variations.

My Account Tab

  • Enable tab: Add a dedicated tab to the user’s “My Account” page.
  • Tab configuration: Customize the tab’s ID, title, icon (using Font Awesome codes), and content.
  • Content shortcodes: Utilize shortcodes like [alg_wc_mppu_user_product_limits] and [alg_wc_mppu_user_terms_limits] to display user-specific limit information.

Editable Sales Data

  • Enable: Allow viewing and editing user purchase data directly from their profile page.
  • AJAX: Improve performance by loading sales data using AJAX, especially for large datasets.
  • Variations: Override the plugin’s default behavior and display variation data even if the “General > Use Variations” option is disabled.
  • Lifetime: Automatically update the “Lifetime” column based on order data, making it non-editable.
  • Empty items: Include a “Lifetime” column for products/terms with no sales data.
  • Terms data: Automatically calculate and display data for categories and tags based on product data (disables editing for these categories/tags).

Sales Data Export Options

  • Export: Export purchase data for all users in a convenient format.
  • Column separator: Specify the character used to separate data columns in the export file.
  • Merge user: Combine all user data into a single line (usable with “Export sales data for all users”).
  • Data separator (optional): Define the character used to separate individual data points within the merged line (only applies with “Merge user” enabled).
  • Extra meta (optional): Specify additional comma-separated meta fields to include in the merged export data (only applies with “Merge user” enabled).


Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce
