These shortcodes allow you to manage and display various order restrictions such as minimum and maximum amounts, quantities, and more. Below are the key shortcodes along with their descriptions and usage examples.
1. [alg_wc_oma_amount]
This shortcode is used to display the order amount restrictions (minimum or maximum) based on different criteria like product, category, or tag.
- limit (required): Specifies whether to display the min or max limit.
- type (optional): Defines the type of restriction (e.g., sum, quantity, weight, volume, dimensions).
- product_id, category_id, tag_id (optional): Specify a product, category, or tag ID to which the restriction applies.
- user_id (optional): Display limits specific to a user.
- currency (optional): Specify currency for multi-currency setups.
Example Usage: [alg_wc_oma_amount limit="min" type="sum"]
Use Case:
Use this shortcode to display the minimum order sum required for a product or category on a product page or during checkout.
2. [alg_wc_oma_amount_msg]
This shortcode is used to display custom messages related to order amount restrictions. The message can include placeholders that provide dynamic information such as the required amount or the current total.
- limit (required): Specifies whether the message is related to the min or max limit.
- type (optional): Defines the type of restriction (e.g., sum, quantity).
- msg (required): The message to display. Can include placeholders like %amount%, %total%, %diff% for more dynamic content.
Example Usage: [alg_wc_oma_amount_msg limit="max" type="quantity" msg="You can only purchase a maximum of %amount% items."]
Use Case:
Display a customized message when a customer’s order does not meet the minimum or exceeds the maximum limit.
3. [alg_wc_oma_translate]
This shortcode is used for translating plugin messages in a multi-language setup, such as when using WPML or Polylang.
- lang: Specifies the language code to display the message in.
Example Usage: [alg_wc_oma_translate lang="en"] Minimum order amount is %amount%.
Use Case:
Use this shortcode to provide translated order limit messages for customers in different languages.
4. [alg_wc_oma_get_cart_value]
This shortcode retrieves the current cart value based on various criteria like order sum, quantity, or weight. It can be used to display the current cart status to customers.
- type (optional): Specifies the type of value to retrieve (e.g., sum, quantity, weight).
Example Usage: [alg_wc_oma_get_cart_value type="sum"]
Use Case:
Display the current cart total to the customer, helping them understand how much more they need to add to meet the minimum order requirement.
These shortcodes provide powerful tools for customizing the customer experience in your WooCommerce store, ensuring that order restrictions are clearly communicated and adhered to. Use these tools to create a more controlled and streamlined purchasing process.