Price by Quantity - Dynamic Pricing

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Price by Quantity – Dynamic Pricing

Main Features

  • Customize pricing based on quantity of a product, a category, a tag, or cart level.
  • Show messages to customers to show them how much discount they’re getting on bulk purchase
  • You can use total cart quantity or product quantity.
  • Optionally you can set to apply the wholesale discount only if no other cart discounts were applied.
  • Discounts can be set as percent from the original price, fixed discount, or set price directly on a per-product basis.
  • Additionally, you can set different wholesale pricing options for different user roles.
  • If you want to display a price table or other data on the frontend, there are shortcodes included in the plugin.
  • Show discount pricing table on product page
  • Fully compatible with WooCommerce, ensuring seamless integration into your online store.

Product Price by Quantity Options

Plugin settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Product Price by Quantity”.


Here you choose at which level you want to set wholesale discount options. To set it for all products at once visit the “All Products” section.

Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce - General - Settings

Per product
This will add new settings meta box to each product’s edit page.
Default: yes
Per variation
Enable this if you want to set options for each variation of a variable product separately.
Default: no
Per product category
This will add new settings fields to each product category edit page.
Default: no
Per product tag
This will add new settings fields to each product tag edit page.
Default: no


Discount Type

Discount type
Possible values: Percent; Fixed.
Default: Percent


General Options

Round calculated product wholesale price according to the “Number of decimals” option.
Default: yes
Quantity calculation
Possible values: Single product quantity; Total cart quantity; Group by product parent (e.g. for variations); Group by product category; Group by product tag.
Default: Single product quantity
Other cart discounts
Apply wholesale discount only if no other cart discounts were applied.
Default: no
Formula and shortcodes
Process formula and shortcodes in discount table values (i.e. in “Min quantity #X” and “Discount #X” fields).
Default: no
Admin recalculate order
Adds “Recalculate” button to admin order pages.
Default: yes
Admin recalculate order: Require confirmation
Default: yes
Admin recalculate order: Add order note
Default: yes

Compatibility Options

Compatibility Options

WCFM plugin compatibility
Default: no
WCFM plugin compatibility: New product notification
Please save the product first.
"Lumise - Product Designer Tool" plugin compatibility
Default: no

All Products

You can exclude selected products in the Advanced section.

Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce - Wholesale Table Options

Number of levels
Save settings after you change this option (new settings fields will be shown).
Default: 1
Min quantity #X
Minimum quantity to apply discount.
Default: 0
Discount #X
To set fee instead of discount – enter negative number.
Default: 0

User Roles

If you want to set different wholesale pricing options for different user roles, fill this section.

Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce - Additional User Roles Options

User roles settings
Save settings after you change this option (new settings fields will be shown). Leave blank to disable.
Default: None

Info: Cart Page

Show discount pricing info in cart.

Info - Cart Page

Available placeholders:

  • %qty%,
  • %qty_total%,
  • %old_price_single%,
  • %old_price_total%,
  • %new_price_single%,
  • %new_price_total%,
  • %discount_value%,
  • %discount_percent%,
  • %discount_single%,
  • %discount_total%.
Item price
Default: no
Item price template
If “Item price” option is enabled, set template here.
<del>%old_price_single%</del> %new_price_single%<br>You save: <span style="color:red;">%discount_percent%%</span>
Item subtotal
Default: no
Item subtotal template
If “Item subtotal” option is enabled, set template here.
<del>%old_price_total%</del> %new_price_total%<br>You save: <span style="color:red;">%discount_total%</span>

Info: Discount Pricing Table

Show discount pricing table on single product pages.

Info - Discount Pricing Table

You can also display wholesale pricing info anywhere on your site with [alg_wc_wholesale_pricing_table], [alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_table], [alg_wc_wholesale_pricing_data], [alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_data] shortcodes.
Single product page
Default: no
Template for non-variable products
For example:

[alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_table table_format="vertical" heading_format="from %level_min_qty% pcs." price_row_format="%new_price_single%"]


Template for variable products
For example:

[alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_table table_format="vertical" heading_format="from %level_min_qty% pcs." price_row_format="%new_price_single%"]

Default: None
Template for variations
Available placeholders: %variation_id%.
For example:

[alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_table product_id="%variation_id%" table_format="horizontal" price_row_format="<del>%old_price_single%</del> %new_price_single%"]


[alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_table product_id="%variation_id%"]
Hide main variable table on visible variation
Will automatically hide main variable product pricing table, when variation table becomes visible.
Default: no

Info: Replace Price

Replace standard product price display with a discounted one.
For example: from $7,00 to From $5,00 for 10 pcs.

Info - Replace Price

Single product page
Default: no
Template for single product pages

[alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_data field="price" level_num="1" product_id="%product_id%"]
Shop page
Default: no
Template for shop pages

[alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_data field="price" level_num="1" product_id="%product_id%"]

Price Display by Quantity

This section allows you to display product price by quantity in real-time, i.e. when a customer changes product quantity on a single product page.

Price Display by Quantity

Price display by quantity
Default: no
Template (no discount)
Price display by quantity template for quantities with no discount. Available placeholders:

  • %qty%,
  • %old_price_single%,
  • %old_price_total%.

%old_price_total% for %qty% pcs.
Price display by quantity template for quantities with discount. Available placeholders:

  • %qty%,
  • %old_price_single%,
  • %old_price_total%,
  • %new_price_single%,
  • %new_price_total%,
  • %discount_value%,
  • %discount_percent%,
  • %discount_single%,
  • %discount_total%.

<del>%old_price_total%</del> %new_price_total% for %qty% pcs. You save: <span style="color:red;">%discount_percent%%</span>
Price display by quantity position on the frontend. Possible values: Instead of the price; Before the price; After the price.
Default: Instead of the price
Refresh interval
In milliseconds.
Default: 500
Variable products
Will display price by quantity in variation price section. Ignored if it’s not a variable product, or if variation prices are the same.
Default: yes
Force standard quantity input
Enable this if you are using non-standard quantity input (e.g. dropdown), and having issues with the price display by quantity.
Default: no


This section allows you to replace standard quantity input with a dropdown. Dropdown values will be equal to the min quantities of the wholesale pricing levels.

Default: no

Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce - Quantity Dropdown

Dropdown label template
Available placeholders:

  • %qty%,
  • %qty_total%,
  • %old_price_single%,
  • %old_price_total%,
  • %new_price_single%,
  • %new_price_total%,
  • %discount_value%,
  • %discount_percent%,
  • %discount_single%,
  • %discount_total%.

Default: %qty%
Dropdown class
HTML class for the `select` element.
Default: qty
Dropdown style
HTML style for the `select` element.
E.g.: min-width:100px;
Default: None
HTML before
Optional HTML outputted before the `select` element.
E.g.: <table><tbody><tr><th>Quantity</th><td>
Default: None
HTML after
Optional HTML outputted after the `select` element.
E.g.: </td></tr></tbody></table>
Default: None
Filter values
Filter dropdown values using product’s step, min and max values.
Default: no

Advanced Options

These settings are applied to the All Products section only.

Advanced Options

Required products
Ignored if empty.
Default: None
Excluded products
Default: None


Check the box and save changes to run the tool. Please note that there is no undo for these actions.

Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce - Tools

Delete per product settings
Will delete all per product wholesale pricing settings.
Default: no
Delete per term settings
Will delete all per product category and per product tag wholesale pricing settings.
Default: no



Displays global (i.e. not per product) wholesale pricing table.

  • heading_format – sets format for the table headings. Replaced values: %level_min_qty% and %level_max_qty%.
    Default value:

    from %level_min_qty% pcs.
  • before_level_max_qty – used only if %level_max_qty% is included in heading_format.
    Default value:

  • last_level_max_qty – used only if %level_max_qty% is included in heading_format.
    Default value:

  • hide_if_zero_quantity – hides table row (yes) if level quantity is set to zero.
    Default value:

  • table_format – can be horizontal or vertical.
    Default value:

[alg_wc_wholesale_pricing_table heading_format="%level_min_qty%%level_max_qty% pcs."]

Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce - Shortcodes - Global Wholesale Pricing Table Example


Displays product’s wholesale pricing table.

  • heading_format – sets the format for the table headings. Replaced values: %level_min_qty% and %level_max_qty%.
    Default value:

    from %level_min_qty% pcs.
  • before_level_max_qty – used only if %level_max_qty% is included in heading_format.
    Default value:

  • last_level_max_qty – used only if %level_max_qty% is included in heading_format.
    Default value:

  • hide_if_zero_quantity – hides table row (yes) if level quantity is set to zero.
    Default value:

  • table_format – can be horizontal or vertical.
    Default value:

  • hide_currency – hides currency symbol (yes).
    Default value:

  • add_price_row – adds price row to the table.
    Default value:

  • price_row_format – used only if add_price_row is set to yes.
    Default value:

    <del>%old_price%</del> %price%
  • add_percent_row – adds percent row to the table (yes). Ignored unless “Discount type” is set to “Percent”.
    Default value:

  • add_discount_row – adds discount row to the table (yes). Ignored unless “Discount type” is set to “Fixed”.
    Default value:

  • columns_styles – cells HTML style attribute.
    Default value:

    text-align: center;
  • table_class – table HTML class attribute.
    Default value:

  • product_id – optional product ID. If not set – will use the current product.
    Default value:

    Current product's ID
[alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_table add_percent_row="yes"]

Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce - Shortcodes - Product Wholesale Pricing Table Example


Displays global (i.e. not per product) wholesale pricing data.

  • field – can be discount or quantity.
    Default value:

  • level_num – can be last or actual level number.
    Default value:

Best deal: [alg_wc_wholesale_pricing_data level_num="last" field="discount"]% discount for [alg_wc_wholesale_pricing_data level_num="last" field="quantity"]+ pieces!


Displays product’s wholesale pricing data.

  • field – can be price, discount or quantity.
    Default value:

  • price_format – used only if the field is set to price.
    Default value:

    <del>%old_price%</del> %price%
  • hide_currency – hides currency symbol (yes). Used only if the field is set to price.
    Default value:

  • level_num – can be last or actual level number.
    Default value:

  • product_id – optional product ID. If not set – will use the current product.
    Default value:

    Current product's ID
Lowest price: [alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_data field="price" price_format="%price%" level_num="last"] for [alg_wc_product_wholesale_pricing_data field="quantity" level_num="last"] pcs.