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Shortcodes Guide

Price Offers for WooCommerce Pro – Shortcodes Guide

This plugin allows your customers to negotiate product prices by making offers on your WooCommerce store, enabling you to accept, reject, or counter their offers. The shortcodes are categorized into Free and Pro versions to help you better understand and utilize the plugin’s features.

Free Version Shortcodes

  1. [alg_wc_price_offers_button]
    • Description: Adds the “Make an Offer” button to product pages, allowing customers to start the price negotiation process. When clicked, a modal form appears where customers can suggest their price.
    • Parameters:
      • product_id (optional): Specify a product ID to display the button for a specific product.
    • Example Usage: [alg_wc_price_offers_button product_id=”123″]
    • Use Case: Place this shortcode on product pages to enable customers to make price offers, increasing engagement and potentially boosting sales.
  2. [alg_wc_price_offers_translate]
    • Description: Provides translation for the “Make an Offer” button and related messages, ideal for multilingual sites.
    • Parameters:
      • lang: The language code (e.g., en, fr).
    • Example Usage: [alg_wc_price_offers_translate lang=”fr”]
    • Use Case: Display the “Make an Offer” button and related content in the appropriate language for your audience.

Pro Version Shortcodes

  1. [alg_wc_price_offers_button_position]
    • Description: Customize the position of the “Make an Offer” button on various parts of the WooCommerce pages, such as shop or category pages.
    • Parameters:
      • position: Choose where to display the button (e.g., before_add_to_cart_button, after_title).
    • Example Usage: [alg_wc_price_offers_button_position position=”after_add_to_cart_button”]
    • Use Case: Control where the “Make an Offer” button appears on product pages or across your site, enhancing visibility and user interaction.
  2. [alg_wc_price_offers_form_customization]
    • Description: Customize the appearance and functionality of the offer form, including fields such as name, email, and custom messages.
    • Parameters:
      • field: Customize specific fields (e.g., name, email, message).
      • required: Set fields as required or optional.
    • Example Usage: [alg_wc_price_offers_form_customization field=”name” required=”true”]
    • Use Case: Tailor the offer submission form to suit your store’s needs, ensuring you collect all necessary information from customers.
  3. [alg_wc_price_offers_auto_accept]
    • Description: Automatically accept offers that meet predefined conditions, such as minimum price thresholds or specific user roles.
    • Parameters:
      • min_price: Set the minimum acceptable offer price.
      • user_role: Specify the user roles eligible for auto-acceptance.
    • Example Usage: [alg_wc_price_offers_auto_accept min_price=”100″ user_role=”wholesale_customer”]
    • Use Case: Streamline the negotiation process by automatically accepting offers that meet your criteria, saving time and effort.
  4. [alg_wc_price_offers_custom_email]
    • Description: Customize the email notifications sent to both store admins and customers regarding offers. This shortcode allows you to modify email content, subject lines, and more.
    • Parameters:
      • template: Choose or customize the email template.
      • recipient: Specify the email recipient (e.g., customer, admin).
    • Example Usage: [alg_wc_price_offers_custom_email template=”offer_accepted” recipient=”customer”]
    • Use Case: Ensure consistent and personalized communication with customers by customizing the emails sent during the offer process.
  5. [alg_wc_price_offers_report]
    • Description: Display a detailed report of all price offers received for a specific product or across the entire store.
    • Parameters:
      • product_id (optional): View reports for a specific product.
      • status: Filter reports by offer status (e.g., accepted, rejected, pending).
    • Example Usage: [alg_wc_price_offers_report product_id=”123″ status=”accepted”]
    • Use Case: Monitor and analyze offer activity, helping you make informed decisions about pricing strategies and customer engagement.

These shortcodes provide a powerful toolkit for managing and optimizing price negotiations on your WooCommerce store. The Free version offers basic functionality to get started, while the Pro version unlocks advanced features like form customization, auto-accept rules, and detailed reporting, enabling you to fully leverage the power of price negotiations to drive sales and customer satisfaction.