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Advance Options

ZGAJwiSeiecE6Ugm0JAHLBRoUzIzeggdq0zvmpBd9LgR4AUej1f40EDdxBasqtJ12Pm4I90F0vAmGVcZ bfPv5xJid3qVwlXBvSNjoqbOA7lLy0ro xl8HZuaiGEM0 lUmx2I48 G Z1W PSAFk3PU

Form Method

  • POST: This is the default option and sends the selected number of products per page as hidden data within the form submission.
  • GET: This option appends a parameter alg_wc_products_per_page to the URL in the format https://example.com/?alg_wc_products_per_page=25. This can be useful for bookmarking specific product views.

Apply in WooCommerce Shortcodes

  • Enable: When checked, the plugin will apply the product per page selector to WooCommerce shortcodes like [  products  ].


  • These options determine where the product per page selector will be displayed on your website.

You can choose to apply it to various page types like

  • Product category
  • Product tag
  • Product taxonomy (custom product categories)
  • Shop page
  • Archive pages (e.g., blog archive)
  • Home page
  • Frontpage (if different from Home)
  • Single product page
  • Singular pages (any page that isn’t a blog post)

Require & Exclude

  • Require: You can use this section to restrict where the product per page selector appears based on the page types listed in the Scopes section. For example, you might only want it to show on product category pages.
  • Exclude: Similar to Require, but allows you to specify where you don’t want the selector to be displayed, even if it’s included in the Scopes.

Save in Cookie

  • Enable: When checked, the plugin will store the user’s selected number of products per page in a cookie. This allows them to keep their preference even if they navigate away and return later.
  • Cookie expiration time: Set the duration for which the cookie will store the user’s selection.

Save in Session

  • Enable: When checked, the plugin will store the user’s selected number of products per page in their browser session. This means the preference is temporary and will be lost when the user closes their browser.
  • Force session start: Enable this if you experience compatibility issues when using session storage and want to ensure a session is always started (even for non-logged-in users).

Custom CSS

  • This section allows you to add custom CSS code to style the product per page selector according to your website’s design.

Reset Settings

  • Click this button to reset all the advanced options to their default settings.

Pro Plugin Link

  • The provided link (https://wpfactory.com/item/products-per-page-woocommerce/) leads to the official product page for the “Products per Page for WooCommerce Pro” plugin. This pro version offers additional features like customizing the dropdown options and enabling the widget functionality.


Products per Page for WooCommerce
