How to generate the special price just for one product?

Forums Product Price by Formula for WooCommerce How to generate the special price just for one product?

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  • #99109


    thank you very much for your great plugin.

    I am using the shortcode for generating the prices for all products in my shop:

    x[if_product_category slug="cat1,cat2"]*1.10[/if_product_category][if_product_category not_slug="cat1,cat2"]*1.20[/if_product_category]

    Now I have the first product in used condition and therefore I need a separate price just for one product.

    How can I generate the special price just for one product?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Best regards,
    Ismar Derlic

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Ismar,

    First solution that comes to mind:

    1. Change your formula to:

    x[if_product_category slug="cat1,cat2"]*p1[/if_product_category][if_product_category not_slug="cat1,cat2"]*1.20[/if_product_category]

    2. Set “Number of parameters” to 1 and save changes.

    3. For p1 value set:

    [if_product_id compare_operator="in" compare_to_value="1659"]2.5[/if_product_id][if_product_id compare_operator="not_in" compare_to_value="1659"]1.10[/if_product_id]

    Here you need to replace 1659 (in two places) with the product ID you wish to make the exception for. You can also enter multiple product IDs with comma-separated list, e.g.: 1659,1710,1900. Also you need to change 2.5 with the coefficient you wish to apply for the exception product.

    Hope you get the idea. Please let me know if something is not working as expected or if you have any questions. And if you like the plugin, please consider leaving us a rating.


    Hello Tom,

    thank you for your help. I did exactly what you have described and the plugin outputs a price of 0,00 € for the specific product. Also all other prices of the category with variable p1 have changed to 0,00 €.

    Maybe I can give you access to my website and you can take look?

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards,

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Ismar,

    Yes, website access would help. My email is [email protected].

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    If anyone else has a similar question – as we’ve figured out in private emails – the problem was that “Use same formula” option had to be set to “Yes (with same params)” (instead of “Yes (with individual params)”) (in plugin’s “General” settings section).

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