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  • Moshtafizur

    Hello sandra,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    To restrict 1 item per tag you need to follow these general steps:

    1. First, assign the products to a perticular tag.

    2. Please navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > Limits and enable Per product tag option.

    3. Now go to Products > Tags > Your tag > Edit and set Limit per user option to 1.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.

    in reply to: How can I exempt some users from the purchase limit? #100919

    Hello Khalid,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    You may use this shortcode instead.

    [alg_wc_mppu limit="99999999" user_id="17, 19" product_id="15676"]
    [alg_wc_mppu limit="1" product_id="15676"]

    This shortcode should should keep some of your users out of the rule. You only need to update the value of the user_id attribute. To find the user’s ID of your users, please go to Users » All Users and hover your mouse over any username. WordPress will show the user edit URL in a small popup box at the bottom left corner of your screen. The number that comes after user_id= and before &wp is that user’s WordPress user ID.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.


    Hello Ancorp,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    > Am I correct in assuming the mini-cart is the cart preview? If so, is the plug-in compatible with side-bar cart previews because the notice on the mini-cart does not appear when selected?

    When your order does not fulfill the minimal requirements, an alert notice will appear in the mini cart. To do so, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Messages and enable Mini-cart > Mini-cart notices. You may also set the Positions option or create personalized messages using the placeholders available.

    > I am experiencing formatting issues with the way the notice is displayed.

    It’s also possible that the problem is due to a cache problem. Please clear your browser’s cache and, if you’re using a caching plugin, please try and disable it. If it doesn’t work, could you share your WordPress dashboard access with us so we can check into it? You can send the login details to: [email protected]

    If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.

    in reply to: EAN and Product Feed Pro plugin #85146

    Hi Maxime,

    Thank you 🙂

    When mapping the fields, there should be alg ean (Custom attribute) listed in the Value column. If it’s not there – the “Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce” plugin checks your five latest products when it creates custom attributes list, so please make sure that at least one of your five latest products has an EAN set.

    Please give it a try and let me know if that helps.

    in reply to: License question #85152

    Hello Bharat,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. If you buy the 29.99 USD version, you’ll get one year of updates and support. It’s an annual subscription. It must be renewed on an annual basis. If you buy a one-year license and don’t renew it, the plugin will still work, but you won’t receive any updates after the first year.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me.

    in reply to: How can I exclude the coupon from the minimum check? #93178

    Hello Elizabeth,

    You can utilize the Exclude discounts functionality if you’re using our free version of the plugin. If you activate this option, it will verify that the sum of your cart order satisfies the minimum requirement before applying any WooCommerce coupons.

    Please get in touch with me if you have any queries or need help.


    Hello Lauricella,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. You can use our plugin to limit the quantities, prices (i.e. sums), and weights of things your WooCommerce customers may buy, but you can’t limit the number of times they can download anything. The plugin may detect whether or not the purchase limitations have been exceeded and take appropriate action.

    If you wish to restrict product purchases to a maximum of ten per user per day, you need to follow these general steps:

    1. First navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > General.

    2. Set Date range to This day.

    3. Now, enable Limits > All products.

    4. Set Limit per user to 10

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me.

    in reply to: How can I exclude the coupon from the minimum check? #93176

    Hello Elizabeth,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. Our pro version of the plugin may be able to assist you with your issue. I suggest you not check the minimum amount when the coupon is applied. To do this, please navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Coupons. Then enable the section. Select the coupon from the Coupons > Exclude option if you don’t want to check the minimum amount for just that coupon. Please enable Coupons > Exclude all if you do not want to check the minimum amount for any coupons.

    In this configuration, the plugin will check the order total before applying discounts.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me.

    in reply to: Will my limit be expired after a certain time? #100908

    Hello Tahir,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. We regret to inform you that you will not be able to display messages based on a user’s membership subscription. However, in the plugin’s settings, if you go to Frontend > Customer message, you can paste messages using the shortcode, such as:

    [alg_wc_mppu_customer_msg bought_msg="If you have a silver membership, your limits are X and if you have a gold membership, your limits are Y. (you've already bought %bought%)." not_bought_msg="If you have a silver membership, your limits are X and if you have a gold membership, your limits are Y."]

    I hope this information was helpful to you. Please get in touch with me if you have any queries or need help.


    Hello Patrick,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. In the plugin’s settings, please go to Shipping and enable Amount per shipping. Now, set the Type to Per shipping zone.

    Save your modifications, and you will now see your shipping zones under the shipping tab in the plugin’s settings. You may now specify specific limitations for each shipping zone.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me.

    in reply to: Why is the verification email not getting sent? #101563


    Thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry you are experiencing difficulty. Could you kindly ensure that the emails are not being filtered as spam? You may need to contact your hosting provider and potentially configure DKIM or SPF records if they are going to spam.

    Please let me know if they are not in spam also.

    in reply to: Will my limit be expired after a certain time? #100906

    Hi Tahir,

    Thanks for reaching out to us. If you set the Date range to Last 30 days, the limit will be renewed just after 30 days. For example, if the first order is placed on March 9th, then the limit will be renewed on April 9th. When you select This month as the Date range, the limit will be applied for the current month and reset at the end of each month. If you want the user with a particular membership plan to buy a maximum of 10 products per month, follow these steps:

    1. In the plugin’s settings, go to General > Date range and set it to This month.

    2. Now in the Formula section, you can then use a formula such as:

    [alg_wc_mppu limit="10" membership_plan="silver-plan"]

    The name of the membership plan will depend on your WooCommerce membership setup.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me.


    Hey Faizan,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. In the plugin’s settings, “General > Redirect on Success“, you can choose where the user will be redirected to after verification. But if the message is not displayed on the page, then is it possible for you to share your WordPress dashboard access with us so we can take a look for you? You can send your details to [email protected].

    in reply to: How can I limit the purchases of the user by category? #100892

    Hello Roberto,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us. If you purchase our plugin and encounter any problems, please contact us via email ([email protected]) or here via the “Support” tab.

    We will make every effort to provide you with a solution that matches your requirements. However, if the plugin falls short of your expectations, we offer a 30-day refund policy and will process your refund as soon as possible.

    I hope you find this information useful and please contact us if you have any more queries

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