Documentation for the Custom Checkout Fields Editor for WooCommerce plugin.

Documentation for Custom Checkout Fields Editor for WooCommerce Plugin

Author: WPFactory PluginsVersion: 1.8.3Updated: 2 months ago
Requires WordPress version: 4.4Tested up to WordPress version: 6.6



With Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce Pro plugin you can add custom fields to WooCommerce checkout page.

You can choose numerous different types for fields:

  • Text
  • Textarea
  • Number
  • Checkbox
  • Color
  • Datepicker
  • Weekpicker
  • Timepicker
  • Select
  • Radio
  • Password
  • Country
  • State
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Search
  • URL
  • Range

Each type comes with specific options you can set for each field.

General Options:

  • Label
  • Placeholder
  • Default value
  • Description
  • Required
  • Customer meta fields

Position Options:

  • Section (billing/shipping/account/order)
  • Priority (i.e. order)

Input Options:

  • Max length
  • Min value
  • Max value
  • Step
  • Autofocus
  • Autocomplete

Style Options:

  • Class
  • Label class
  • Input class

Visibility Options:

  • Product categories
  • Product tags
  • Products
  • User roles
  • Min cart amount
  • Max cart amount
  • Product shipping classes
  • Virtual products
  • Downloadable products
  • Countries

Fee Options:

  • Fee value
  • Fee type (fixed; percent)
  • Fee title
  • Is fee taxable

General Options

Plugin settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Custom Checkout Fields”.

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - General Options

Custom fields number
Sets number of custom checkout fields you want to add. Click “Save changes” after you set this number – new settings subsections will be added for each field.
Default: 1
Add all fields to admin emails
Adds all custom checkout fields to admin emails.
Default: yes
Add all fields to customers emails
Add all custom checkout fields to customers emails.
Default: yes
Emails: Before the fields
Added before the fields in emails.
Default: None
Emails: Each field
Placeholders: %label%, %value%.
<p><strong>%label%:</strong> %value%</p>
Emails: After the fields
Added after the fields in emails.
Default: None
Add all fields to "Order Received" (i.e. "Thank You") and "View Order" pages
Default: yes
Pages: Before the fields
Added before the fields on “Order Received” (i.e. “Thank You”) and “View Order” pages.
Default: None
Pages: Each field
Placeholders: %label%, %value%.
<p><strong>%label%:</strong> %value%</p>
Pages: After the fields
Added after the fields on “Order Received” (i.e. “Thank You”) and “View Order” pages.
Default: None
Advanced: Force fields sort by priority
Enable this if you are having theme related issues with “Priority (i.e. order)” options.
Default: no

Field Options

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Field Options - General

Enables/disables the current field.
Default: no
Field type. Possible values: Text; Textarea; Number; Checkbox; Datepicker; Weekpicker; Timepicker; Select; Radio; Password; Country; State; Email; Phone; Color; Search; URL; Range.
Default: Text
Field label.
Default: None
Field placeholder.
Default: None
Default value
Enter default field value here. Use 1 or 0 for the checkbox type.
Default: None
Field description.
Default: None
Is field required or optional.
Default: no
Customer meta fields
Adds the field to the customer meta fields.
Default: yes

Field Options: Position

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Field Options - Position

Possible values: Billing; Shipping; Account; Order notes.
Default: Billing
Priority (i.e. order)
If set to zero – field will be added to the end of the section.
Default: 0

Field Options: Input

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Field Options - Input

Max length
Maximum number of character for an input field. E.g. for Text type.
Default: 0
Min value
Minimum value for an input field. E.g. for Number/Range type. Leave blank to disable.
Default: None
Max value
Maximum value for an input field. E.g. for Number/Range type. Leave blank to disable.
Default: None
Legal number intervals for an input field. E.g. for Number/Range type. Leave blank to disable.
Default: None
Default: no
Default: None

Field Options: Style

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Field Options - Style

Possible values: Wide; First; Last.
Default: Wide
Label class
Default: None
Input class
Default: None

Field Options: Visibility

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Field Options - Visibility

Show this field only if there is a product of selected category in cart. Leave blank to show for all products.
Default: None
Show this field only if there is a product of selected tag in cart. Leave blank to show for all products.
Default: None
Show this field only if there is a selected product in cart. Leave blank to show for all products.
Default: None
User roles
Show this field only if visitor has selected user role. Leave blank to show for all users.
Default: None
Min cart amount
Show this field only if cart total is at least this amount. Ignored if set to zero.
Default: 0
Max cart amount
Show this field only if cart total is not more than this amount. Ignored if set to zero.
Default: 0
Product shipping classes
Show this field only if there is a product with selected shipping classes in cart. Leave blank to show for all products.
Default: None
Virtual products
Possible values: Always show the field; Show the field only if there are at least one virtual product in the cart; Hide the field if there are at least one virtual product in the cart.
Default: Always show the field
Downloadable products
Possible values: Always show the field; Show the field only if there are at least one downloadable product in the cart; Hide the field if there are at least one downloadable product in the cart.
Default: Always show the field
Countries to show/hide the field for.
Default: None
Countries: Action
Possible values: Hide in selected countries; Show in selected countries only.
Default: Hide in selected countries

Field Options: Fee Options

In this optional section you can set fees that are added to the cart totals in case if custom field’s value is not empty.

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Field Options - Fee

Fee value
Sets fee value. Can be positive or negative. Ignored if set to zero.
Default: 0
Fee type
Sets fee type. Possible values: Fixed; Percent.
Default: Fixed
Percent fee: Cart total
Used only if “Percent” is selected in “Fee type”. Possible values: Subtotal before discounts; Subtotal after discounts.
Default: Subtotal after discounts
Percent fee: Add shipping
Adds shipping cost to cart total. Used only if “Percent” is selected in “Fee type”.
Default: no
Fee title
Sets fee title. Can be empty.
Default: None
Is fee taxable
Sets if fee is taxable or not.
Default: yes
Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Fee example
Fee example

Field Options: Select/Radio Type Options

Fill this section only if select/radio type is selected.

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Field Options - Select Radio Type Options

One option per line
Default: None
Select: use "Select2"
Default: no
Select2: Min input
Select2: Number of characters necessary to start a search. Ignored if set to zero.
Default: 0
Select2: Max input
Select2: Maximum number of characters that can be entered for an input. Ignored if set to zero.
Default: 0

Field Options: Checkbox Type Options

Fill this section only if checkbox type is selected.

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Field Options - Checkbox Type Options

Value for ON
Default: Yes
Value for OFF
Default: No

Field Options: Datepicker/Weekpicker Type Options

Fill this section only if datepicker/weekpicker type is selected.

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Field Options - Datepicker Weekpicker Type Options

Date format
Leave blank to use your current WordPress format. Visit documentation on date and time formatting for valid date formats.
Default: None
Min date
In days.
Default: -365
Max date
In days.
Default: 365
Year selector
Default: no
Year selector: year range
The range of years displayed in the year drop-down: either relative to today’s year (“-nn:+nn”), relative to the currently selected year (“c-nn:c+nn”), absolute (“nnnn:nnnn”), or combinations of these formats (“nnnn:-nn”). Note that this option only affects what appears in the drop-down, to restrict which dates may be selected use the minDate and/or maxDate options.
Default: c-10:c+10
First week day
Possible values: Sunday; Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday.
Default: Sunday

Field Options: Timepicker Type Options

Fill this section only if timepicker type is selected.

Custom Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Field Options - Timepicker Type Options

Time format
Visit timepicker options page for valid time formats.
Default: hh:mm p
In minutes.
Default: 15