Reply To: How can I display the amount left on frontend?


Hello Kendra,

Thanks for reaching out. We’re sorry to know that you are having difficulties.

There might be a number of reasons why the notices aren’t showing up, so you’ll have to try out different settings to figure it out. So, please follow the general steps below:

1. Sometimes the notice may not be displayed due to a cache issue.Please clear your browser’s cache. If you’re using a caching plugin, please try and disable it. Also in the plugin’s settings, under the Advanced section, enable the AJAX Options > Enable AJAX and Force update options.

2. It might be related to the position of the notices, such as whether they are in the automatically refreshed area or not. In that case, can you try and change the position of the Cart, Mini-cart, Checkout sections, respectively?

3. Please use this shortcode [alg_wc_left_to_free_shipping] on any page where the notice should appear:

[alg_wc_left_to_free_shipping content="%amount_left_for_free_shipping% left for free shipping"]

Kindly give these a try. If the problem persists, would it be possible for you to share your WordPress dashboard access so we can take a look for you? You can send your details to [email protected]

Kind regards,