Reply To: How to handle updates on product costs, multiple currencies and Ads costs?

WPFactory Plugins
Plugin Author


1. Order profit calculation – the plugin works in such way that it will apply current product costs when calculating profit for a new order. That is, if, for example, some product’s cost of goods is $10 when new order is made, the plugin will calculate order profit based on $10. If after that you will change the product’s cost of goods, let’s say to $15, then, when another order is made, the plugin will calculate order profit based on $15. Profit for old orders will remain unchanged (i.e. based on $10). As for the older orders, made, for example, before the plugin was installed – by default profit for those orders will be unset, and you’ll have to run our “Recalculate orders cost and profit” tool (available in Pro version of the plugin only), which will calculate profit for all orders at once. You will have to run this tool only once.

2. Currencies – unfortunately, currently the plugin will ignore the order currency, and will apply same product cost of goods. However, this is on my todo list for some time already, so I could try to implement it now. I’m thinking about adding “currency exchange rates” section, where you would set currency pairs conversion rates. I.e. you wouldn’t have to set product cost of goods in different currencies manually, and plugin would convert it to the base currency automatically instead, i.e. based on currency exchange rates multipliers.

3. Monthly ad spend – there is “Extra Costs: All Orders” section in plugin (in “WooCommerce > Settings > Cost of Goods > Orders”), where you can set fixed or percentage extra costs for each order. In other words, this would give you the approximate value. For example, if your monthly ad budget is $300 and you have 200 orders per month on average, you could set “Extra Costs: All Orders > Fixed cost” option to $1.5 (i.e. $300 / 200).

Please let me know what you think.