Bulk apply values on category products

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  • #104272

    How can I bulk edit a category to set the max qty to 2 for example. I don’t want to set the whole entire qty to i want to set each item to a specific number without having to go in an update every single item.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hello Cassandra,

    That’s a great request, I added it to the next release, for min, max, and step so you can apply the same value for tens of product at once.

    I will update you when it’s out.



    Hi Cassandra,

    As promised, we’ve just released 2.7 where you can now define one single value for min/max/fixed quantities on category level, and it will apply it to all products in that category.

    Please test it and let me know if you still have any issues, don’t forget to review the plugin if you found the support & plugin useful please.


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