Show VAT on PDF invoice

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  • #105245

    Hi,could you please recommend me a PDF Invoice Plugin that is compatible with this one and can show the VAT ID  in  the generated PDF Invoice?Currently I’m using “WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips”, but it don’t show it…Thanks in advanceSascha

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    ..and another question: Is there a way to display the VAT ID of the Customer in his account as an editable field?Thanks for help!


    Hi Sascha,
    If that plugin supports inserting custom fields, you should be able to include the VAT ID using shortcode _billing_eu_vat_number
    If you need more help here (and also for the other question about VAT in customer ID), please send us at [email protected] and we can fix that for you.

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