VAT not validated (valid)

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  • #105282


    We are using the pro version of you plugin for one of our clients websites. We use this to verify if the VAT number entered in the checkout process is valid.

    Now im having some problems with validating spanish data. My webshop keeps giving validation errors on the VAT number even though im 100% sure its correct.

    I checked it with and it give valid feedback there. However i do notice the street and place fields give a “invalid” notification.

    Does the plugin check these fields too for spanish validations? If the vat number is correct, but the adres is incorrect, will it still give a validation error?

    Hope to hear from you soon

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hey Rob,

    Sorry to hear the trouble. No the plugin doesn’t check street by default, you can match country & company but not street.

    Can you send us screenshots of your settings, link to test, and the VAT number you’re testing to [email protected]? We will be glad to check that further.


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