Update period issue

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  • #105785
    George Kantze

    Hello and thank you for your great plugin.
    I have problem with the update period. When I activate woocommerce multilingual your plugin doesn’t auto run every X period. As I remember, this problem exists over a year.

    Will it be fixed in a future update?
    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hi George,

    I think I remember the case, you had 2 servers, 1 working fine and the other wasn’t, actually not sure what was the case on the second server.

    I will need wp-admin & FTP access to check that, please contact me at [email protected]


    George Kantze

    Problem Solved! Thank you for great support and great plugin. I confirm that it is WPML Compatible!

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