Error 500 in cart with “fixed quantity”

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  • #121498
    Maxime Weber


    I use “fixed quantity” and “quantity dropbox”. ( and

    For an item, I want to be able to buy in batches of 20, 40, 60, 100, 200 then from 200 in steps of 200, i.e. 400,600,800… In “exact quantity allowed” on the product page, I put: 20,40,60,100,200,400,600,800,1000,1200,1400,1600,1800,2000,2200,2400,2600,2800,3000. ( It works very well if I choose a lot (example 100) and put it in the cart. On the other hand, if I buy a 2nd batch (example 60) the cart page goes into error 503.

    Can you help me fix this problem?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Maxime Weber.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Maxime Weber.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Maxime Weber.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Moshtafizur.
    Plugin Support

    Hi Maxime,

    Thanks for reaching out. We apologize for any inconvenience you may be experiencing.

    I just tested the plugin with your specific settings but was unable to reproduce the issue. In such a case, could you please test the plugin on different browsers and devices to see if the issue is consistent across all of them? Also, sometimes caching issues or stored cookies can cause unexpected behavior. So, I would suggest you clear your browser’s cache and cookies and try again. If you are using any cache plugin, then please try to deactivate it for now and see if the issue persists.

    Kind regards,

    Maxime Weber

    Hello Moshtafizur,

    I have the problem whether it’s on Firefox (logged in as admin or not), as well as on chrome.

    In fact, the problem I encounter is on the basket page, if the desired number of a product does not exist in the parameters that we entered previously, then the basket page breaks..

    Example with my configuration, if I add once 100, then once 60, that makes 160 and is not planned in my base dropdown. And it breaks the cart page every time.

    I don’t know if I’m clear enough?

    It is possible to test here: by adding to the basket once 100, then once 60

    Maxime Weber

    Additional info, if I activate the “Cart Total Fixed Quantity Options” option by setting “Cart fixed quantity” to “enable” in the “fixed quantity” options:

    In this case, if I try to add 20 to the basket when I have already added 100 before, it is the product page that gets a 503 error and the cart page continues to function (given that the product page failed to send additional purchase info)

    if necessary I can leave access to the backend of the site.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Maxime Weber.
    Plugin Support

    Hi Maxime,

    We have been unable to reproduce the issue on our end, in order to assist you further, please send us access to your WordPress dashboard. This will allow us to investigate the issue more closely and understand what might be causing the problem. Please send your login credentials to [email protected].

    Kind regards,

    Maxime Weber

    it’s sent 😉


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