Few more things that would bring a big update for the products list

Top WooCommerce & WordPress Plugins Forums User Products for WooCommerce Few more things that would bring a big update for the products list

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  • #91363

    Hi Tom,

    I tested it out using your My Account Customizer plugin and it works. There are a few more things that would bring a big update for the products list.

    01. Add View Product in actions column

    02. Add Category & Tags columns

    03. Have the plugin inherit the product status directly from WooCommerce, for example your plugin displays the status publish instead of published.

    04. Add a top bar for the product list with title on left and buttons on right for:

    Add new product
    Orders (compatibility with your PDF Invoicing for WooCommerce in order to display a list of orders linked to the user sales including the following columns: order number, client name, order status, invoice – link for the pdf invoice)
    Reports (compatibility with your Reports for WooCommerce in order to provide the user with reports regarding his products sales)
    Invoicing (compatibility with your PDF Invoicing for WooCommerce in order to allow the users to add their own company details for pdf invoices – the format will remain default set by the system admin for the local market, the only thing that will change are the user billing details)

    05. Add EAN column (compatibility with your plugin EAN for WooCommerce also anable users to add EAN code to their products)

    06. SEO Settings (enable compatibility with the plugin SEO Framework in order to enable the users to set Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Image)

    And on top of everything, if you kindly provide pot files for all your plugins in order to allow me translate all your plugins into Romanian language.

    There are a few more things, but till then you can have these changes made to the plugin.

    Thank you for being receptive to my ideas.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Florin,

    It took a bit longer than expected but I’ve finally implemented (most of) the tasks. Please update the plugin to the latest v1.3.1.

    > 01. Add View Product in actions column

    First of all I’ve added link to the products to the “Thumbnail” and “Title” columns. If you still prefer to add it as an action, you can use our new actions attribute with %view% placeholder, e.g.:

    [wc_user_products_list actions="%edit% %delete% %view%"]

    > 02. Add Category & Tags columns

    I’ve added new columns attribute to the shortcode, so now you can select which columns (and in which order) to show. For categories and tags it would be something like this:

    [wc_user_products_list columns="thumbnail,status,title,actions,categories,tags"]

    > 03. Have the plugin inherit the product status directly from WooCommerce, for example, your plugin displays the status publish instead of published.

    I’ve added new column – status_label – for this, i.e. vs status:

    [wc_user_products_list columns="thumbnail,status_label,title,actions"]

    > 04. Add a top bar for the product list with title on left and buttons on right for: …

    This is the only task that I haven’t implemented yet. I will be adding “Orders”, “Reports” and “Invoicing” sections in the next plugin version. As for “Add new product” – you can basically achieve this by creating a page (e.g. add-new-product) with our [wc_user_products_add_new] in it, and adding a simple link to it just before the [wc_user_products_list] shortcode, e.g.:

    <p><a href="/add-new-product/">Add new</a></p>
    [wc_user_products_list columns="thumbnail,status,title,actions"]

    > 05. Add EAN column (compatibility with your plugin EAN for WooCommerce also anable users to add EAN code to their products)

    Again this can be done with our new columns attribute. There is now meta=x column. For EAN it would be something like this:

    [wc_user_products_list columns="thumbnail,status,title,actions,meta=_alg_ean"]

    You’ll probably want to set custom column title in this case. There is new column_titles attribute for this:

    [wc_user_products_list columns="thumbnail,status,title,actions,meta=_alg_ean" column_titles=",Status,Title,Actions,EAN"]

    As for enabling users to add EAN to their products – there is now new “Custom Fields Options” section in “WooCommerce > Settings > User Products”. You need to set “Meta key” there to _alg_ean.

    > 06. SEO Settings (enable compatibility with the plugin SEO Framework in order to enable the users to set Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Image)

    Again, this should be possible to do with our meta=x column (like with EAN in task nr. 5). You’d need to know meta keys for the fields though. If you are not sure, let me know and I will help you with that.

    > And on top of everything, if you kindly provide pot files for all your plugins in order to allow me translate all your plugins into Romanian language.

    Sure, I will send it to you in a moment. However, you can also always get the latest version of POT file from our user-products-for-woocommerce-pro/langs folder.

    > There are a few more things, but till then you can have these changes made to the plugin.

    Sure, please let me know about any other ideas.

    > Thank you for being receptive to my ideas.

    Happy to help 🙂

    P.S. You can check all available shortcode attributes here.

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