Documentation for the Order Minimum/Maximum Limits for WooCommerce plugin.

Documentation for Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce Plugin

Author: WPFactory PluginsVersion: 4.4.4Updated: 4 weeks ago
Requires WordPress version: 6.1Tested up to WordPress version: 6.5



Are you looking to manage your online store’s order limits easily? Do you want to ensure that your customers’ purchases meet your requirements?

If so, Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce plugin is the solution you need. This plugin allows you to set up minimum and maximum order amount limits for your WooCommerce store quickly, giving you complete control over your inventory and sales.

Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce plugin lets you set minimum and/or maximum amounts (e.g. sum, quantity, weight, volume, etc.) for orders in WooCommerce.

With the Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce plugin, you can define minimum and maximum order amounts based on different criteria, including product categories, user roles, and shipping methods.

You can also display custom messages to your customers during checkout to inform them about the minimum or maximum order amount requirements. Moreover, you can customize the messages for different scenarios, such as when the order amount is too low or too high.

With this plugin, you can impose restrictions on your customers’ orders by setting up minimum and maximum order values (sum, quantity, weight, volume, you name it!), allowing you to restrict orders that are too small or too large, and prevent any potential losses or inventory issues.

You can also display custom messages to inform your customers about the restrictions during checkout, and tailor them to different scenarios based on the order amount. The plugin provides a flexible and effective way to manage your store’s order restrictions and ensure that your customers’ orders meet your expectations.

Take your online store to the next level with the ‘Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce’ plugin. Try it today and streamline your order management process!

Here are some features & screenshots from the plugin and what it can do to your store:

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Frontend - Cart notice
Frontend example – Cart notice.

Main Features

Set minimum and/or maximum order:

  • sum,
  • quantity,
  • weight, and/or
  • volume,
  • length,
  • width,
  • height,
  • area (i.e. product length x width),
  • products (i.e. number of different products in a single order),
  • product categories (i.e. number of different product categories in a single order),
  • product tags (i.e. number of different product tags in a single order).

Optionally set different order amounts:

  • for each user role,
  • for each individual user,
  • per individual product (including variations),
  • per product category,
  • per product tag,
  • per shipping method,
  • per shipping zone,
  • per payment gateway,
  • per membership, and/or
  • by currency (i.e. multi-currency).

More Features

  • Customizable user messages can be displayed on cart and/or checkout pages.
  • Select if you want to exclude taxes, shipping, fees and/or discounts when calculating order total sum.
  • Stop customer from reaching the checkout page if amounts requirements are not met.
  • Skip min/max amount checks if selected coupons were applied.
  • Skip min/max amount checks if there are selected products (including variations) in cart.
  • Include/exclude selected products (including variations) when calculating cart total for the amount checks.
  • Plugin is WPML/Polylang compatible.
  • And more…

Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce Options

Plugin settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount”.

General Options

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - General Options

Amount limits
If empty, all limits will be used. “Maximum” limit has additional settings which will be displayed on the current page after you “Save changes”. Possible values: Minimum; Maximum.
Default: Minimum; Maximum
Amount types
If empty, all types will be used. Some types (e.g. “Sum”, “Product categories”, etc.) have additional settings which will be displayed on the current page after you “Save changes”. Possible values: Sum; Quantity; Weight; Volume; Length; Width; Height; Area (i.e. length x width); Products (i.e. number of different products); Product categories (i.e. number of different product categories); Product tags (i.e. number of different product tags).
Default: Sum; Quantity
Require all types
Enable this if you have enabled multiple “Types”, and you want to require for all types to pass the amount check (e.g. “Sum” AND “Quantity”), vs at least one type (e.g. “Sum” OR “Quantity”).
Default: yes

Checkout Options

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Checkout Options

Block checkout process
When disabled, will allow customer to finish the order even with wrong min/max amount. Most of our plugin users will keep this option enabled.
Default: yes
Block checkout page
Stops customer from reaching the checkout page on wrong min/max amount. Customer is redirected back to the cart page.
Default: no

Order Sum Options

Extra settings for min/max “Sum” options. Settings will be visible only after you add “Sum” to the “Amount types” option and “Save changes”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Order Sum Options

Order sum
Possible values: Order total; Order subtotal.
Default: Order total
Exclude taxes
Excludes taxes from order total/subtotal.
Default: no
Order total: Exclude shipping
Excludes shipping from cart total. Ignored unless “Order sum” is set to “Order total”.
Default: no
Order total: Exclude discounts
Excludes discounts from cart total. Ignored unless “Order sum” is set to “Order total”.
Default: no
Order total: Exclude fees
Excludes fees from cart total. Ignored unless “Order sum” is set to “Order total”.
Default: no

"Product categories" Amount Type Options

Extra settings for min/max “Product categories” options.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Product categories Amount Type Options

Product categories to include
If set, then only selected product categories will be counted (and all other categories will be ignored). If empty, then all product categories will be counted.
Default: None
Product categories to exclude
If set, then selected product categories will be ignored when counting categories for the product.
Default: None

"Product tags" Amount Type Options

Extra settings for min/max “Product tags” options.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Product tags Amount Type Options

Product tags to include
If set, then only selected product tags will be counted (and all other tags will be ignored). If empty, then all product tags will be counted.
Default: None
Product tags to exclude
If set, then selected product tags will be ignored when counting tags for the product.
Default: None

"Maximum" Amount Limit Options

Extra settings for the “Maximum” limit options.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Maximum Amount Limit Options

Validate on add to cart
Validates maximum limits when customer clicks “add to cart” button.
Default: no
Hide "add to cart" button: Shop / Single product
Hides “add to cart” button for the product on shop and/or single product pages if maximum limits are reached.
Default: no
Hide "add to cart" button: Shop / Single product content
You can optionally output something else if “add to cart” button is hidden for the product. For example, you could output “Please remove some products from the cart”.
Default: None

Amounts Options

Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Amounts”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Amounts Options

Min amount
Minimum order sum, quantity, weight or volume. Ignored if set to zero.
Default: 0
Max amount
Maximum order sum, quantity, weight or volume. Ignored if set to zero.
Default: 0

Message Options

Customer messages when order does not meet the amount requirements. Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Messages”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Message Options

Available placeholders: %amount%, %total%, %diff%, %amount_raw%, %total_raw%, %diff_raw%.

For “Per product”, “Per product category” and “Per product tag” messages you can also use these additional placeholders: %product_title%, %term_title%.

For “Shipping” messages you can also use these additional placeholders: %shipping_method%, %shipping_zone%, %shipping_zone_locations%.

For “Payment Gateways” messages you can also use this additional placeholder: %payment_gateway%.

Identical messages will be filtered, i.e. only one of them will be shown on the frontend.

You can also use HTML in the messages, for example, you can output the result as a progress bar by using HTML <progress> tag. Usually this is outputted in “Additional positions”, for example, “Before the cart”:

<progress id="alg_wc_oma_progress" value="%total_raw%" max="%amount_raw%">%total% / %amount%</progress>

Notices: Cart/Checkout
Adds notices to the cart/checkout page.
Default: no
Notice type: Cart/Checkout
Styling. Possible values: Error; Notice.
Default: Notice/Error
Additional positions: Cart
Possible values: Before cart table; Before cart contents; Cart contents; Cart coupon; Cart actions; After cart contents; After cart table; Before cart totals; Cart totals: Before shipping; Cart totals: After shipping; Cart totals: Before order total; Cart totals: After order total; Proceed to checkout; After cart totals; Before shipping calculator; After shipping calculator.
Default: None
Additional positions: Checkout
Possible values: Before checkout form; Before customer details; Billing; Shipping; After customer details; Before order review; Order review; Order review: Before shipping; Order review: After shipping; Order review: Payment: Before submit button; Order review: Payment: After submit button; After order review; After checkout form.
Default: None
Min amount: Cart/Checkout
Message to the customer if order is below minimum amount.
You must have an order with a minimum of %amount% to place your order, your current order total is %total%.
Max amount: Cart/Checkout
Message to the customer if order is above maximum amount.
You must have an order with a maximum of %amount% to place your order, your current order total is %total%.
Advanced: Format amounts
Choose which amount types should be formatted in messages. E.g. it will add “pcs” to the “Quantity” amounts, or it will round and add currency symbol to the “Sum” amounts. Leave empty to format all amount types. Possible values: Sum; Quantity; Weight; Volume.
Default: None
Remove old notices
Will remove old WooCommerce notices on AJAX add to cart. This is useful if you have checked “Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives” option in “WooCommerce > Settings > Products” and there are cross-sells products available on the cart page.
Default: no


Alternatively you can use [alg_wc_oma_amount_msg] shortcode to output the required amounts messages, e.g.:

[alg_wc_oma_amount_msg min_or_max="min" type="sum"]You must have an order with a minimum of %min_order_sum% to place your order, your current order total is %cart_total_sum%. You need: %min_order_sum_diff%.[/alg_wc_oma_amount_msg]


You can use shortcodes in the messages, for example, for WPML/Polylang translations:

[alg_wc_oma_translate lang="DE"]Text for DE[/alg_wc_oma_translate][alg_wc_oma_translate lang="NL"]Text for NL[/alg_wc_oma_translate][alg_wc_oma_translate not_lang="DE,NL"]Text for other languages[/alg_wc_oma_translate]

User Role Options

Amount by user role. Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > User Roles”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - User Roles Options

Enable section
Enables/Disables the “User Roles” section.
Default: no
Enabled user roles
Select user roles you want to set different amounts for. If empty – settings for all user roles will be displayed. “Save changes” after you update this option.
Default: None
Role X
Order minimum/maximum sum/quantity/weight/volume for user role. Ignored if set to zero, i.e. higher level (“general”) amount will be applied. No amount will be applied if set to a negative value (e.g. -1).
Default: 0

Per User Options

This section allows you to set order amounts for each user individually. Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Users”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Per User Options

Enable section
Enables “Order min/max amount per user” section. When enabled, you can set amounts per user on each user’s profile edit page (in “Users > Edit user”).
Default: no
Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - User Profile
Order amount settings in user’s profile.
Guest fallback
This is used for non-registered users (i.e. guests) as a fallback. Ignored if set to zero, i.e. higher level (“general”) amount will be applied. No amount will be applied if set to a negative value (e.g. -1).
Default: 0

Products Options

Set different amounts per product, product category and/or product tag.

Products Options

Per product
This will add new meta box to each product edit page.
Default: no
Per product: List variations
Will add variable product variations to the options lists in product meta box.
Default: no
Per product category
This will add new settings fields to each product category edit page.
Default: no
Per product tag
This will add new settings fields to each product tag edit page.
Default: no
Minimum and Maximum Weight - Per product - List variations
Variable product – minimum and maximum product weight (“Per product”) with “List variations” option enabled.

Shipping Options

Amount per shipping method, shipping instance, or shipping zone. Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Shipping”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Shipping Options

Enable section
Enables/Disables the “Shipping” section.
Default: no
“Save changes” after setting this option. Possible values: Per shipping method; Per shipping instance; Per shipping zone.
Default: Per shipping method
Shipping messages
This will enable separate messages for shipping in the “Messages” section.
Default: no
Hide unavailable
Will hide unavailable shipping methods. Please note that this option will take into account results from other plugin sections (e.g. “User Roles”, etc.) as well.
Default: no
Shipping method/instance/zone X
Order minimum/maximum sum/quantity/weight/volume per shipping method, shipping instance, or shipping zone. Ignored if set to zero, i.e. higher level (“general”) amount will be applied. No amount will be applied if set to a negative value (e.g. -1).
Default: 0
Minimum and maximum weight per shipping zone
Minimum and maximum weight per shipping zone.

While on the cart page notices will be updated automatically when user changes shipping method or zone, the checkout page behaves differently and notices are not updated automatically. Currently, you can use these solutions to this problem:

  1. Enable “Block checkout page” option in “General” section. This way, the customer will never reach the checkout page, and instead he will be seeing the notices on the cart page (which are working normally).
  2. Disable “Checkout notices” option in “Messages” section. This way, if order amount will be wrong, the customer will see the correct notice when he will click “Place order” button.
    You can also optionally set “Additional positions” option there to e.g. “Order review: Payment: Before submit button” or any other position that is updated automatically when user changes shipping method or zone.

You’ll probably want to keep Validate on add to cart, Hide “add to cart” button options (in “General” section) disabled, so your customer would have a chance to change shipping method on exceeded amounts.

Payment Gateways Options

Amount per payment gateway. Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Payment Gateways”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Payment Gateways Options

Enable section
Enables/Disables the “Payment Gateways” section.
Default: no
Payment gateway messages
This will enable separate messages for payment gateways in the “Messages” section.
Default: no
Hide unavailable
Will hide unavailable payment gateways. Please note that this option will take into account results from other plugin sections (e.g. “User Roles”, etc.) as well.
Default: no
Payment gateway X
Order minimum/maximum sum/quantity/weight/volume per payment gateway. Ignored if set to zero, i.e. higher level (“general”) amount will be applied. No amount will be applied if set to a negative value (e.g. -1).
Default: 0

When user changes payment gateway on the checkout page, notices are not updated automatically, unless user reloads the page. To solve this, currently, we suggest disabling “Checkout notices” option in “Messages” section. This way, if order amount will be wrong, the customer will see the correct notice when he will click “Place order” button. You can also optionally set “Additional positions” option there to e.g. “Order review: Payment: Before submit button” or any other position that is updated automatically when user changes payment gateway.

You’ll probably want to keep Block checkout page, Validate on add to cart, Hide “add to cart” button options (in “General” section) disabled, so your customer would have a chance to change payment gateway on wrong amounts.


Optional amounts per membership. Requires WooCommerce Memberships or MemberPress plugins. Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Memberships”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Memberships Options

Amount per membership
Enables/Disables the “Memberships” section.
Default: no
Membership amount
Set your amount per membership here.
Default: 0
Amount is ignored if set to zero (0), i.e. next level (e.g. “General”) amount will be applied. No amount (i.e. no limit) will be applied if set to a negative value (e.g. -1).
Advanced: Priority
This section sets the order in which min/max amounts are applied. For example, by default “Shipping” section amounts (priority 30) are applied first, and only then “User Roles” section amounts (priority 100) are applied. You can change this here. Sections with lower “Priority” numbers are applied first.
Default: 50

Currency Options

Set different amounts for different currencies (i.e. multi-currency). For example, this is useful if you are using some currency switcher plugin on your site. Usually this is used for min/max “sum” amounts, however, you can set other amounts (e.g. “quantity”) by currency as well. Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Currencies”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Currency Options

Amount by currency
Enables/Disables the “Currencies” section.
Default: no
Here you need to add currencies you want to set different amounts for. “Save changes” after you add new currencies here – new settings fields will be displayed.
Default: None
Currency amount
Set your amount per currency here.
Default: 0
Amount is ignored if set to zero (0), i.e. next level (e.g. “General”) amount will be applied. No amount (i.e. no limit) will be applied if set to a negative value (e.g. -1).

Coupons Options

Skip min/max amount checks if selected coupons were applied. Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Coupons”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Coupons Options

Enable section
Enables/Disables the “Coupons” section.
Default: no
Validate all coupons
Choose if you want to validate all applied coupons, or at least one coupon.
Default: yes
Only check min/max amounts if selected coupon(s) were applied.
Default: None
Do not check min/max amounts if selected coupon(s) were applied.
Default: None

Cart Products Options

Skip min/max amount checks if there are selected products in cart. Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Cart Products”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Cart Products Options

Enable section
Enables/Disables the “Cart products” section.
Default: no
Validate all products
Choose if you want to validate all products in the cart, or at least one product.
Default: yes
List variations
Will add variable product variations to the products lists. Variations will be added to the lists after you “Save changes”.
Default: no
Individual Products: Require
Only check min/max amounts if there is at least one selected product(s) in cart.
Default: None
Individual Products: Exclude
Do not check min/max amounts if there is at least one selected product(s) in cart.
Default: None
Product Categories: Require
Only check min/max amounts if there is at least one selected product(s) in cart.
Default: None
Product Categories: Exclude
Do not check min/max amounts if there is at least one selected product(s) in cart.
Default: None
Product Tags: Require
Only check min/max amounts if there is at least one selected product(s) in cart.
Default: None
Product Tags: Exclude
Do not check min/max amounts if there is at least one selected product(s) in cart.
Default: None

Cart Total Options

Calculate cart total by selected products only. Settings are located in “WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > Cart Total”.

Order Minimum Maximum Amount for WooCommerce - Cart Total Options

Enable section
Enables/Disables the “Cart Total” section.
Default: no
Per product
Enable this if you want this section to affect plugin’s “Products” section options (i.e. “Per product / Per product category / Per product tag”) as well.
Default: no
List variations
Will add variable product variations to the products lists. Variations will be added to the lists after you “Save changes”.
Default: no
Individual Products: Require
Select products to include in cart total.
Default: None
Individual Products: Exclude
Select products to exclude from cart total.
Default: None
Product Categories: Require
Select product categories to include in cart total.
Default: None
Product Categories: Exclude
Select product categories to exclude from cart total.
Default: None
Product Tags: Require
Select product tags to include in cart total.
Default: None
Product Tags: Exclude
Select product tags to exclude from cart total.
Default: None
Please note that final order sum value will also be affected by the “Sum” Amount Type Options settings in plugin’s “General” section.