Documentation for Wishlist for WooCommerce Plugin

Author: WPFactory PluginsVersion: 2.3.6Updated: 3 months ago
Requires WordPress version: 6.1Tested up to WordPress version: 6.4



Do you like the free version of this plugin? Imagine what the Wish List for WooCommerce Pro version can do for you!

Take a look on some of its features:

  • Support
  • Ignore cache. The plugin can work just fine even if you use some caching plugin, like WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache or some other
  • Stock alert – Notify users via email when products they have added to wish list become available
  • As an admin, see what your customers have in their wishlist
  • Choose custom icons from FontAwesome for all your buttons and notifications
  • Customize the default button in all ways (background and hover color, font weight, size, margin and more)
  • Choose precisely where the thumbnail button will be displayed inside product image and also style it the way you want
  • Style your notifications
  • Choose your social icon colors
  • Customize all messages displayed to users easily
  • Use tooltips to make this plugin even easier to users
  • Save product attributes on wish list
  • Add option to hide/show thumb or default button by product tag
  • Display product images in emails
  • Allow / Disallow Unlogged users from interacting with the Wish List
  • Add a column on admin users list informing which customers have added items to the Wish List
  • Add a column on the admin products list informing how many times a product has been added to the Wish List
  • More Wish List columns to display: Product SKU, Product Quantity, Description, Categories


A ready-to-use wish list page.

Wish List for WooCommerce - Frontend - Wish List Page

Use a minimalist button on single product page to add or remove items from wish list.

Wish List for WooCommerce - Frontend - Product (Single)

Use a minimalist button on product loop to add or remove items from wish list.

Wish List for WooCommerce - Frontend - Product (Archives)

Display product attributes on the wish list

Wish list for WooCommerce - Frontend - Display product attributes


Font Awesome Icons and caching compatible

In general options you can turn on/off the plugin, choose to load icons from font awesome and turn on an option to ignore cache, making the plugin compatible with caching plugins like Wp Super Cache or W3 Total Cache.

Wish List for WooCommerce - Admin Settings - General

Choose if you want to share your wish list on social networks.

Wish List for WooCommerce - Admin Settings - Social Networks

Control precisely where your wishlist buttons will be displayed

Wish List for WooCommerce - Admin Settings - Buttons

Remove items from wish list after they have been purchased. Create a wish list tab if you wish

Decide what you are going to display in your wish list. Choose If you want to automatically remove items from wish list after they are purchased. Create a wish list tab on my account page if you want.

Notify users about items being added to wish list

After users add items to wish list you can decide to show them an alert message that can be customized

Wish List for WooCommerce - Admin Settings - Notifications

Style it the way you want

Style it the way you want, with a bunch of options. Customize the buttons and the notifications

Wish List for WooCommerce - Admin Settings - Style

Customize all messages displayed to users easily.

Wish List for WooCommerce - Backend - Admin option - Texts


  • Add a column on admin users list informing which customers have added items to the Wish List
  • Add a column on the admin products list informing how many times a product has been added to the Wish List
  • Add a “Wish List” column to the WooCommerce product exporter, showing on the CSV generated by WooCommerce the number of times the products have been added to the wish list.


[alg_wc_wl]: Displays the wish list page.

[alg_wc_wl_counter]: Shows the amount of items that are in the wish list. Params:

    • ignore_excluded_items: Ignores excluded items. Set as true if you notice the amount of items doesn’t match the wish list. Default value: false

[alg_wc_wl_toggle_item]: Creates a button that will add/remove an item from the wish list. It should be useful for Visual Editor plugins like Elementor for example. Params:

    • product_id: Product ID
    • btn_type: Type of button. Supports default_btn and thumb_btn. Default value: default_btn