Stock History & Reports Manager for WooCommerce
Keep track of your products stock in WooCommerce.
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Plugin Description
The Stock History & Reports Manager for WooCommerce is a vital tool for store owners who wish to have a comprehensive understanding of their inventory levels on WooCommerce on periodical basis.
Through this plugin, retailers can easily monitor their products' stock with daily stock snapshots. These snapshots give a clear picture of the stock levels, ensuring store owners are always aware of their inventory status.
An added convenience is the optional email feature. With it, store owners can receive updates on stock changes and comprehensive stock reports directly in their inbox.
But that's not all. The plugin goes a step further by allowing admins to delve into the history of an individual product's stock. This feature is especially useful to identify sales patterns or seasonal demands of specific items. Furthermore, store owners can also access the entire history of stock snapshots, providing a bird's eye view of inventory trends over time.
In essence, the "Stock History & Reports Manager for WooCommerce" is an invaluable asset for any WooCommerce store owner seeking to optimize inventory management and gain insight into their stock trends.
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