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How to Hide Wishlist Button on Product Page Using Product Tags

If you’re using our WooCommerce Wishlist Pro plugin, we’ve got a handy feature that allows you to hide the wishlist button on specific product pages. This can be achieved effortlessly by utilizing product tags.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it

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Step 1: Navigate to WooCommerce Wishlist Settings

  •  Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Find and click on “WooCommerce” in the left-hand menu.
  • Look for theWishlist tab and click on it.

 Step 2: Access the Button Settings

  • Within the Wishlist settings, find and click on the “Button” tab.

 Step 3: Enable the “Hide by Tag” Option

  • Under the “Button” tab, you’ll see various options related to the wishlist button.
  • Locate the “Hide by Tag” option and enable it.

 Step 4: Add Product Tag

  • At the “Hide by Tag” option, you’ll see a space to add product tags.
  • Enter the product tag for which you want to hide the wishlist button.

 Step 5: Save Changes

  • Don’t forget to save your changes.

Now, the wishlist button will be hidden on the product pages that are associated with the specified tag. This is a powerful feature that allows you to customize the visibility of the wishlist button based on your product tagging strategy.


Wishlist for WooCommerce
