Allow customers to view their invoices from the orders section inside my account

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  • #90883


    I think there are some great features missing this plugin.

    01. allow customers to view their invoices from the orders section inside my account

    02. when clicking the invoice number in the backend, admins should be able to also view the invoice in a new tab, instead of downloading it

    Let me know if you can update the plugin.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Florin,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    1. Let me try to add it in the next plugin version.

    2. Actually, it should already work like that. If you click on invoice number, it should open it in a new tab. And if you click on PDF icon, it should download it as a file. Is it not working like that on your site?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Florin,

    As promised, we’ve just released a new plugin version (v1.3.0), where I’ve added “My account” checkbox option to each document (in “WooCommerce > Settings > PDF Invoicing > Your document”). When enabled, it will allow your customers to view their documents (e.g. invoices) in “My account > Orders”.

    Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

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