Change the wording for the login on the checkout page

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  • #93903


    Is it possible to change the wording for the login on the checkout page? At the moment it says “Returning customer? Click here to login”

    I would like something more descriptive, such as “Login for registered users – pay with invoice 30 days”

    I.e. something to let users know what to expect on the other side of the gateway.

    I use the Pro version.


    Plugin Author

    Hi Johan,

    The wording is part of WooCommerce template files and cannot be changed from the Payment Gateways by User Role plugin. But I do have a few solutions for you which you could try.

    Solution 1: Add the below code in the functions.php file of the theme/child theme or via the Code Snippets plugin:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_login_message', 'imag_change_login_text' );
    function imag_change_login_text( $login_message ) {
    	$login_message = esc_html__( 'Login for registered users – pay with invoice 30 days', 'woocommerce' );
    	return $login_message;

    Please note that the link text would not be replaced here as it is part of the WooCommerce template.

    Solution 2: Add the following file to your theme/child theme under the path: yourtheme/woocommerce/checkout/form-login.php
    File Download Link:
    This would give more flexibility to you but you might need to keep track with future versions of WooCommerce so that the template does not go outdated.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Best Regards,

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