Hi, guys. I am trying to customise the message for a specific product using the Pro version of your plugin. I have the ‘Validate on add to cart’ checked and ideally would like the following as my Custom Message:
[alg_wc_mppu_customer_msg bought_msg=”Thank you for supporting the 2024 SWABC 5K! You may register up to 10 persons using the Individual Registration option. Should you wish to register more than 10 persons, please use to the Team and school registration option or proceed to Checkout.” not_bought_msg=”Thank you for supporting the 2024 SWABC 5K! You may register up to 10 persons using the Individual Registration option. Should you wish to register more than 10 persons, please use to the Team and school registration option or proceed to Checkout. You can only buy maximum %limit% of %product_title%.”]
However, I only get messages in the format ‘You can only buy maximum %limit% of %product_title%.’ when i test my product. I also went into the plugin editor and modified line 109 in class-alg-wc-mppu-settings-frontend.php but that didn’t work either.
How do I manage to accomplish this update? Thanks in advance.