Does this allow to filter which orders show in frontend?

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  • #91282
    Dani MS

    Does this allow to filter which orders show in frontend? I’m trying to just show Pending Payment orders, so using the “Product Status”

    Thank you

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Daniel,

    Wasn’t possible, but I’ve just added it to the plugin in v1.1.0. Now you can select which order status(es) to show.

    Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

    P.S. And thank you for the idea. Please let me know if you have any other thoughts.

    Dani MS

    Wow! Thanks Tom. This is clearly the best pre-sale response I’ve ever had.

    I’ve bought it, works good for what I needed. I’ll test it out a bit further during the coming days and let you know if I have any feedback or ideas.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Happy to help 🙂

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