How do I see the information that the customer entered?

Forums Product Input Fields for WooCommerce How do I see the information that the customer entered?

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    I have the input fields set on my product, but when someone purchases and fills out the fields I do not see it anywhere in the confirmation email or on the order itself within WooCommerce. How do I see the information that the customer entered?



    You can see what your customers entered in the fields accessing:
    – The order page on dashboard. The info is on “item” metabox
    – The email you receive when a customer buys some product. The info is next to the product’s title

    If you can’t see it, maybe your customers didn’t fill the fields. Or maybe you are not using the most recent version of the plugin.

    If you create a WordPress user for me ([email protected]) I can try to take a look at this issue, if it’s still happening.
    See you

    Ajay Gahlaut

    Hi Pablo, I’m facing exactly the same problem. I”m able to see the “Add Message” Field contents next to the Product Title on my order page. However when taking the order printout the field is missing. Perhaps I need to use the Meta Hook to get this added to the order page. I am not a programmer so would need your help on how to do this. My email address is [email protected] . I really appreciate you helping with me πŸ™‚


    Hi, I will try to help you using the email then.
    Can you please create a WordPress user for me using [email protected]?


    Hi Pablo,
    I see the custom field information in the order under “item,” but I need to be able to export it for order fulfillment in my export csv. How can I get that metadata to export?

    Thank you,

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