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  • #91603
    Alaid Arguello


    I have a site with 2 languages, but when changing the language “Products % from% -% to% from % total% . Products on page% select_form%”, no It changes because this information is added in the Template Options – Template field, if the Template field is left empty, then it does not show anything.

    How can I make it work with multiple languages?


    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Alaid,

    Please update the plugin to the latest v1.3.2 (released just a couple of minutes ago). There I’ve added new shortcode for translations: [alg_wc_ppp_translate]. It supports WPML and Polylang plugins. So now please set “Template Options > Template” to something like:

    [alg_wc_ppp_translate lang="ES"]Productos <strong>%from% - %to%</strong> desde <strong>%total%</strong>. Productos en la página %select_form%[/alg_wc_ppp_translate][alg_wc_ppp_translate not_lang="ES"]Products <strong>%from% - %to%</strong> from <strong>%total%</strong>. Products on page %select_form%[/alg_wc_ppp_translate]

    Please give it a try and let me know if it’s ok now.

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