On mobile, the tables under Products tab and commissions are non-responsive

Forums Marketplace for WooCommerce – Frontend Addons On mobile, the tables under Products tab and commissions are non-responsive

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  • #91575

    Hi Tom,

    Hope you’re doing great

    On mobile, the tables under Products tab and commissions are non-responsive and a bit hard to read. Kindly see image below:



    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi John,

    Thank you for pointing this out. Do you think adding a horizontal scroll bar if the screen is too small will be good enough?


    Hello Tom,

    Thank you for quick response.

    I think instead of having horizontal scroll in mobile view, the way the woocommerce order lists/table are responsive, in my opinion would be better overall plus it will be uniform across the Orders, Product and commission tabs


    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi again, John,

    Could you please update the plugin to the latest v1.4.0 and let me know if it’s better now?


    That was quick thank you

    I tried it and product and commissions table are now screen responsive, the edit and publish icon are nice touch as well

    just couple of things, I notice when the table transform (both product and commissions) it loses the table headers like this https://snipboard.io/U4LO36.jpg is it the way it was designed?

    You’ll also notice that edit and publish when converted to icons are not showing (although this might be a conflict with my current theme which I’m now checking)

    Thanks for the support, as always


    Just to update the icons was due to older version of fontawesome being loaded on my site, it’s fixed now 🙂

    just the table header please

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi John,

    Thank you for the feedback.

    Please update the plugin to the latest v1.4.1 – headers should be visible now when tables are minimized.


    Can confirm the table headers are now showing on mobile. Thanks Tom

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi John,

    Happy to hear it’s solved 🙂

    Please let me know if you notice anything else.


    The layout is perfect now, just made a bit of adjustment to fit my theme. Most of the new features you’ve added works perfectly as well 🙂 will let you know if anything

    Regarding the ‘product gallery’ option, any chance it will be added soon? That’s my last piece of the puzzle 🙂

    Thank you for all your work and for this addon

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi John,

    “Product gallery” field added in the latest plugin v1.5.0. Please give it a try and let me know what you think.


    Thank you Tom, uploaded to my site. Quick one, what is that option “create attachment” for images and product file?

    Separating the new options in new tabs are great keeping it organized


    Also FYI, adding a product gallery image and replacing it doesn’t delete the replaced media in library.

    The featured image and product file deletes the file whenever it’s replaced, possible to apply same logic? I’m just thinking, not deleting the product gallery when replaced will create lots of images for shop owner to maintain.

    Please let me know what you think

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi John,

    As usual – thanks for the feedback.

    1. Create attachment – it affects “Product file” and “Images” (formerly “Screenshots”) fields – when enabled it will add the uploaded files to the WordPress “Media” menu.

    2. Separating the new options – glad you liked it.

    3. Adding a product gallery image and replacing it doesn’t delete the replaced media in library – yes, that’s correct. Let me add an option to change this behaviour. Will get back to you about this asap.


    Clear on #1. I activated and tested on my staging site it’s working great.

    Yes please, would be great to have that added as an option. Really excited to re-activate the add-on on my production site. Can’t thank you enough on closing all the issues we’ve had plus you’ve added more feature than requested.

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