Plugin Issues with Usernames in Filenames and Auto Copy to Caption

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  • #99980

    Hello Pablo

    Thank you for creating a useful plugin, I have paid for the pro version and have found that getting the ‘Username’ is not working in the filename. I’m running a photo club website using Buddypress with many members and would like their Usernames or full names on the filename to easily tell who the author is, especially on thumbnails when you mouse hover, can you fix this please?

    Is it also possible to add an option to auto copy the new filename to the caption too?





    Actually there wasn’t a username rule until now, but after reading your comments I have created it for you 🙂
    It’s available on version 1.0.7. You just have to enable it on the “Rules” section. Please give it a try

    Can you please elaborate your idea about copying the filename?

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