Primary Category

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  • #98615


    I am testing this plugin ( free version at this time ). I noticed that when I set a prefix/suffix for a category, this takes the first category. In my case, most of the products are part of different categories. Is there any possibility that the prefix/suffix used for generate the SKU takes the Primary Category?

    Is this a PRO option? If is, I will buy the plugin for sure.


    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Diego,

    Thanks for the idea. Unfortunately at the moment even Pro version will always take first category. Hopefully this will be easily fixable – please five me 1-2 days to release new plugin version with this option added.

    Best regards,


    Hi Tom,
    Thank you for the reply.
    I found a way to the plugin take my primary category first that is add numbers at the begining of the category ( also did thid with the tags ) doing this, my primary category always appear first, but this is not a real solution.
    If you can add the possibility to choose which category show first/Second and so on, also in case of the Tags, I think the plugin will be more helpful.
    I am using right now with this “customization “ and it works really well.

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