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  • #91652
    Vitor Villaça Liduário

    Bom dia. Gostaria de saber se é possível definir uma ID para o campo adicional? Obrigado.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Vitor,

    Not sure if I got it correctly. Do you mean change what is now e.g. _billing_alg_wc_checkout_field_1 to some custom ID?

    Vitor Villaça Liduário

    Sim, exatamente isso, para um ID personalizado.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Ok, got it. Let me try to implement it. Will get back to you asap.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Vitor,

    We’ve just released a new plugin v1.6.3, where I’ve added new “Fields ID” option to “WooCommerce > Settings > Custom Checkout Fields > General > Advanced Options”. By default the option is set to alg_wc_checkout_field. It’s used in all fields as the middle part of ID, wrapped in field section and number, e.g. _billing_alg_wc_checkout_field_1. That is, if you set it to e.g. my_awesome_field, then your fields will have IDs like _billing_my_awesome_field_1, _shipping_my_awesome_field_2, etc. Please give it a try and let me know if that’s good enough.

    Vitor Villaça Liduário

    Na verdade não funcionou para o que eu precisava. Eu preciso de uma ID totalmente personalizável, sem o numeral no final.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Vitor,

    Sorry to hear that it wasn’t what you needed. The problem is that to make IDs fully customizable without the digits at the end, I would need to change a lot of code in the plugin. But let me try it once again. Will get back to you soon.

    Vitor Villaça Liduário

    Obrigado por seus esforços, ficarei aguardando ansiosamente.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Vitor,

    Sure, I will let you know asap.

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