Server Limitation (critical error occurred)

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  • #93792
    Paweł Mordal


    I have the PRO version and about 13000 products in store. My product prices are beeing synchronized regulary with supplier database. They are already taxed. I’m trying to round the prices to the ceil with Rounding coefficient 0.99 but after  “Change prices” button i receive an allert that critical error occured. Could you please tell me how to resolve the problem?

    Bulk Price Editor verion 1.7.5

    Wordpress version 5.8

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by WPWhale.

    Hi Paweł,

    If you select to update prices of a specific category, will it work?

    I just want to see if the number of products is the issue here, then it could be a memory issue, would like to see the actual error (and log) to better understand.

    Would you mind sharing wp-admin access with us at [email protected]?


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