Step not working on cart

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  • #104498
    Micky Harris


    Just purchased the Pro version. There are a few issues, the most important ones listed below:

    – Quantity Step decimal quantity increments not working on the basket page, it defaults back to whole number validation
    – Price Unit option generating many PHP errors on the front end, this was working OK in the free version
    – Total Price By Quantity and Price Unit meta boxes not available at product level

    Hope you can help, thanks.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hi Micky,

    That’s a bit weird, all these should be working fine (to my knowledge, at least).

    Can you please send more details (links, screenshots of settings, error messages) to [email protected]? We also might need some sort of wp-admin access to check, if you can provide that.


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