The plugin prevents search queries

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  • #98620

    Hi Tom,

    A client is using this plugin on their store and in our testing it appears to prevent a search query such as “?s=search&post_type=product” from working properly (where search = the search term”. Our goal is to use the Shop archive layout to display the store search results and it comes back with: “No products were found matching your selection.” Without the plugin activated the search works as expected.

    Testing: SKU Generator for WooCommerce Pro v1.2.1 on WooCommerce 3.3.5 with WordPress 4.9.5

    Could you have a look and see if it is something that could be patched.


    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi Justin,

    I will have to re-check that, but for a start – if it’s enabled, could you please try disabling “Search by SKU” checkbox in plugin’s settings (in “WooCommerce > Settings > SKU > General”), and let me know if that fixes the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for your quick reply! I’ve disabled the “Search by SKU” setting and that does it. Search is working normally with the plugin enabled, thanks!

    Best Regards,

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