VAT number valid but VAT not removed

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  • #105216
    Bernhard Liszt

    Hi there, I bought the EU VAT plugin today. I also entered a German VAT number as a test, which the plugin also validated as correct. The price has not changed. Please give me a short feedback, thank you!
    My settings:

    Always show zero VAT : yes
    Show field for selected countries only: BE,NL,DE,LU,DK
    Preserve VAT in selected countries: Base Country
    Allow VAT Number input without country code: YES
    Skip VAT validation for selected countries: AT

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hi Bernhard,

    Can you please send me a link to check? With screenshot of settings as well please.

    Reach me if you want privately at [email protected]


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