What is the difference between a filename and a permalink name?

Forums File Renaming on Upload – WordPress Plugin What is the difference between a filename and a permalink name?

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  • #100056

    I have 2 pre-sale question:

    1. What is the difference between filename and permalink name. I guess both are same. But in your description screenshot, I am confused:
    2. Will this works on media uploaded via woocommerce mobile app. I have tried your free plugin and media rename pro plugin. But in both case, the medias are not renamed when I try to upload product images via the android woocommerce app. Upon investigation, I have found that the product images are directly uploading to the media library and not attached to any page/post; this may be cause this error. Any way to solve this?
    Pablo Pacheco

    Hi Silu,

    1. Filename is the real name of the file. Ex: my-file.jpg. Permalink is the URL pointing to the file. Ex: http://site.com/my-file
    2. Unfortunately, I don’t know if I’ll be able to help in that case. I can just say that the filter we’re using to rename files is sanitize_file_name. The WooCommerce app should be using it, as WordPress itself is.
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