Why can’t I rename the image name with this plugin?

Forums File Renaming on Upload – WordPress Plugin Why can’t I rename the image name with this plugin?

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  • #100027
    Marta Cardenas Diaz

    Hi, I am a paying user of the pro version and I need your help.

    I am trying to rename some images that contain the character “ñ” but when I save the changes, the image is not renamed and remains with the same name.

    For example, the file name is “ropa-bebebe-niño-camisa-cuello-maho” and I want to rename it to “ommdiy-ropa-bebe-nino-camisa-cuello-maho” but when I click on update, the file name is still called “ropa-bebebe-niño-camisa-cuello-maho”.

    I have tried to rename other files that do not have the “ñ” character and it does it correctly in bulk by removing the accents, spaces, etc and adds the prefix that I have put “ommdiy”.

    Why can’t I rename the images that have the “ñ” character? How can I solve this?

    Thank you,

    Pablo Pacheco

    Hi Marta,

    Please try to set the Rules > Filename > Character conversion method option as Transliterator.

    Let me know if it helps

    Marta Cardenas Diaz

    Hi Pablo,

    I have changed the character conversion method option as Transliterator and it is still the same. When I rename a file with “ñ” the changes are not saved, neither if I rename several files in bulk.

    I bought the plugin mainly to correct these file names, but I see that it doesn’t work.

    Could you help me to rename all images with the “ñ” character?

    Thank you,

    Pablo Pacheco

    Hum, only this specific character is not working?

    Would it be possible for you to create/share an admin account to your server (WP and preferably FTP), so I could login and check what’s going on?
    If that’s the case, please send a message to [email protected]

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