XML not being generated (manual & auto)

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  • #105829
    Xenofon Kaloudis


    I faced a problem when using your plugin’s verion 2.2.1. I saw that you updated so i installed now 2.2.3. It’s compatible with my sytem, no problems.

    My problem is that my XML file is not generated manually or automatically. I see my file in plesk files and date is old. This has as a result Google Merchant is  not able to fetch new products because XML file hasn’t new entries.

    I need you to have a check please.

    *** I am not use which email is going to receive your reply. Please use [email protected] email address.

    Thank you,

    Xenofon Kaloudis

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Omar Dabbas.

    Hi Xenofon,

    Will send you an email to check this.


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