David Kraljic

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  • in reply to: How can I disable the popup on the login page? #99832
    David Kraljic

    Sorry, will try to be more clear.

    on woocommerce register and login pages I do not want the popups. Instead, messages (like that username doesn’t exist when trying to login) should be handled by the regular Woo messages

    in reply to: How can I modify the messages? #99814
    David Kraljic

    Thank Pable – it worked!!! On that message at least. Will try some others now. Thanks again for the great support.

    in reply to: How can I modify the messages? #99812
    David Kraljic

    found this orginal html from woocom and tried that as well. I must be doing this wrong?

    No saved methods found.

    in reply to: How can I modify the messages? #99811
    David Kraljic

    In our particular case this is the html No saved methods found.. I added that to the original html field but it doesn’t work.

    in reply to: How can I modify the messages? #99810
    David Kraljic

    Ok thanks for that, now I have two messages. But the type dropdown only has regular html, add to cart, and coupon. Are those the only three I can customize. Right now I am looking for a message that reads No saved methods found that appears on the payment methods page.

    How is this feature actually working? Do I enter “No saved methods found” in regular html content, then this plugin searches and replaces that?

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