Preserve in base country not working

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  • #105308

    Good morning,

    we purchased the plugin in june 2020, and renovated the suscription in june 2021.

    Our shop is based in Spain, so we have to charge VAT to our spanish customers. I’ve tried to do it  in the validation tab, selecting “Preserve VAT in selected countries>Base Country”, but it does not work. When testing, both the basket and the checkout pages says the VAT is 0,00€. It works well for other countries like France,  Germany or USA. Any ideas about what could cause this problem? You can have a look at it in

    Tanks in advace and best regards 🙂

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Omar Dabbas.


    We need to see the settings & logs to figure out what’s wrong, can you please share wp-admin access to [email protected]?


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