How to Limit Quantity per Customer on WooCommerce

How to Limit Quantity per Customer on WooCommerce

Suppose you’re selling an exclusive item or running a discount, you don’t want your users to abuse the system and ruin your shop experience for other customers. In that case, you would need to limit quantities per customer on your WooCommerce store.

WooCommerce by default doesn’t allow limiting the quantity purchased per customer, so you would need to install additional plugins to apply this functionality.

Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce

In this article, we’ll provide you with all the steps you need to limit the quantities per customer and how to make customers don’t exceed the allowed limit for them that you’ve set.

The Maximum Products per User Plugin By WPFactory

The maximum products per user plugin by WPFactory is by far the most advanced plugin for this functionality, it has lots of features and options that allow for full customization to specifically fit your needs and requirements.

It has dynamic product limit options to ensure a fair distribution of your store’s items by setting versatile product limits.

You can set role-based limits so you can give your premium user an edge with increased limits or set limits for new users so they can’t buy quantities in high volume.

You could also restrict sales by timeframes by setting maximum product purchase limits based on varied timeframes so you can adapt to seasonal demand surges or specific promotion periods.

All in all, it’s an amazing plugin that has a lot of features and customization options, you should definitely check it out.

Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce

Steps to Limit Quantity per Customer on WooCommerce

  1. Login to your WordPress Admin Dashboard
  2. Go to Plugins -> Add New
  3. Search for “Maximum Products per User”
  4. Install & Activate the plugin by WPFactory
  5. Head to WooCommerce -> Settings
  6. Select the “Maximum Products per User” tab


Here you’ll find all the settings and customization options you will need to set the limits on quantities per user.

In the general tab, you can select “Mode”, what you want to limit for the user, you can limit not just the quantity, but you can also limit the price, the weight, and a lot of other options.


In the order statuses option, you can select when the order data will be updated, after checkout, after product purchase, or whatever you choose.

If you select more than one data will be updated on whichever status change occurs first.

order statuses

The date range option is for how long you want the limit to be applied 30 days for example or 365 days or whatever you choose.


The limit is the actual limit you want to apply on the specific mode you applied whether it’s price, weight, quantity, or something else.


There are so many more settings and options in the plugin you can check it out yourself on the demo store. Just choose the demo store start playing around with the plugin and explore its features so you know what it’s capable of.

But this is how you can apply the basics of the plugin and limit quantity per customer on WooCommerce.

This is how the plugin would look like for your customers:



Setting a quantity limit per customer is sometimes essential for the success of your WooCommerce store, using the WPFactory plugin you can set limits based on quantity, price, weight, and a lot of other metrics and you can apply the limit for whatever time frame you wish. So start using this plugin and take a step forward for your store.


Best 65+ Plugins WPFactory

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