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Troubleshooting Products per Page

Dropdown Not Appearing

  • Plugin Activation: Double-check that the Products per Page plugin is activated on your WordPress plugins page.
  • Theme Compatibility: In rare cases, your theme might conflict with the plugin. Try temporarily switching to the default WooCommerce theme (Storefront) to see if the dropdown appears. If it does, you might need to contact your theme developer for compatibility advice.

Incorrect Functionality

Plugin Settings

Head over to the plugin’s settings page in your WordPress dashboard. Verify that the settings are configured as intended.

This includes

  • The number of options displayed in the dropdown menu (e.g., 10, 20, 50 products per page).
  • The default number of products per page displayed if a customer doesn’t choose an option.
  • The location of the dropdown selector on your shop page (before products, after products, or a custom location).
  • Whether the selector is displayed as a dropdown menu or radio buttons.
  • The option to use cookies to remember a customer’s preferred number of products per page for future visits (enable/disable this based on your preference).

Plugin Updates

Ensure you’re using the latest version of the plugin. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that might resolve the issue you’re facing.


Products per Page for WooCommerce
