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Admin Order Options in Stock Triggers

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The “Admin Order Options” section of the Stock Triggers for WooCommerce plugin provides functionalities specifically for managing stock adjustments within the WooCommerce admin interface.

Adjust Line Item Product Stock

  • Enable: This activates stock adjustments based on order statuses you select.
  • Order Statuses: Choose the order statuses (e.g., “pending payment,” ” refunded”) that will trigger stock adjustments when you manually create orders. 
  • Note: The free version only allows selecting pre-defined statuses.

Default Action

This defines the default action (increase or decrease) applied to stock when you create a new order and the chosen order status is triggered. You can override this default action on a per-item basis.

Bulk Actions

  • Enable: This adds “Decrease Stock” and “Increase Stock” options to the bulk actions dropdown menu in the admin orders list. This allows you to efficiently adjust stock for multiple products at once.

Advanced Options

  • Debug: Enable this to create a log file in WooCommerce > Status > Logs for troubleshooting purposes (useful for developers).

Reset Settings

This button resets all settings within the “Admin Order Options” section to their defaults.

Important Note

The free version of the Stock Triggers for WooCommerce plugin has limitations in the “Admin Order Options” section.

Upgrading to the Pro version unlocks features like

  • Custom Order Statuses: Allows using custom order statuses (created within WooCommerce) for stock adjustments.


Stock & Inventory Updates Triggers for WooCommerce
