add custom fields to ean (existing and new)


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  • #124274

    Hi Support,

    I want to put extra information about the product on the EAN via custom fields.
    I dont get it working. For now i want this meta fields enabled:

    $warehouse = get_post_meta($product_id, 'usbs_stock_location_level_1', true);
    $rack = get_post_meta($product_id, 'usbs_stock_location_level_2', true);
    $shelf = get_post_meta($product_id, 'usbs_stock_location_level_3', true);

    i would like to have the warehouse locations printed on the barcodes extra fields on a single line format: for example like this: 1.1.1 (warehouse, rack,shelf)

    with a different plugin i implemented the meta fields like this:

    add_filter('wf_pklist_package_product_table_additional_column_val', 'wt_pklist_add_custom_col_vl', 10, 6);
    function wt_pklist_add_custom_col_vl($column_data, $template_type, $columns_key, $_product, $order_item, $order) {
        if ($columns_key == 'new_col') {
            $product_id = get_effective_product_id($_product);
            $warehouse = get_post_meta($product_id, 'usbs_stock_location_level_1', true);
            $rack = get_post_meta($product_id, 'usbs_stock_location_level_2', true);
            $shelf = get_post_meta($product_id, 'usbs_stock_location_level_3', true);
            // Bouw de locatie string op
            $location_str = "";
            if (!empty($warehouse)) {
                $location_str.='Warehouse: '.$warehouse.'<br>';
            if (!empty($rack)) {
                $location_str.='Rack: '.$rack.'<br>';
            if (!empty($shelf)) {
                $location_str.='Shelf: '.$shelf;
            $column_data = $location_str;

    Hi there,

    I hope you are well today.

    I have passed your request to our development team. They will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Kind regards.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi, Angelo,

    Do you mean in the “EAN > Print” section? If that’s the case, I think what you need is our [alg_wc_ean_product_meta] shortcode:

    [alg_wc_ean_product_meta key="usbs_stock_location_level_1"]
    [alg_wc_ean_product_meta key="usbs_stock_location_level_2"]
    [alg_wc_ean_product_meta key="usbs_stock_location_level_3"]

    This should go in the “EAN > Print > Template” option.

    Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

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