Adjusting quantity step/Min/Max settings for selling the last units in stock

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  • #104658
    Dennis Rode

    Hi wpfactory
    Thanks for this great plugin. Iv been using it on a webshop for one year now and it works great.
    But I discovered that I have a little issue when using quantity step/ min and max. The webshop is set to 10 units per step. But if I only have 9 units left on store I can not sell the 9 units. How can I fix that, so I can sell the last 9 units?

    Kind regards


    Hi Dennis,

    It’s great to hear that you’re enjoying the plugin.

    Now that’s an interesting case, and for that product, you won’t get any more stock of it soon? Allowing this (out-of-the-box) might make issues on stores that can’t sell in less than the step, let me think of different cases and get back to you with a proper solution.


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