Allow checkout on unregistered VAT numbers

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  • #113343
    Sam van de Wal

    Allow checkout on unregistered VAT numbers. I can’t check it remains disabled?

    Omar Dabbas
    Plugin Support

    Hi Sam,

    To make sure we got this correctly, you have that option ticked, but still can’t checkout on these? To clarify, these are local VAT numbers (not in official VIES).

    If you can please elaborate a little more (and provide screenshots for settings), that would be helpful.


    Sam van de Wal

    Allow checkout on unregistered VAT numbers. I can’t check it remains disabled?

    I want customer to fill VAT Numbers, but it doesn’t have to be checked.

    In the settings
    Allow checkout on unregistered VAT numbers
    I can’t check this this! is disabled
    how can i check this?

    Omar Dabbas
    Plugin Support

    Hi Sam,

    Sorry for the delay getting back to you.

    Simply untick the “Validate” option on 2nd tab if you want to keep the field but not validate it against VIES database.

    Let me know if you still need any more help.


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